Open Arms - Chlark - NC-17 - 01/01

Jan 14, 2009 19:42

Title: Open Arms
Author: ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17 (graphic sex, alien!Clark, sap)
Pairing: Chlark
Spoilers: Consider this to be an alternate ending for Freak
Disclaimers: I don’t own them. That makes me unbelievably sad. The title and moodlet of this little piece are from Journey’s Open Arms.
A/N: This is a companion piece to Heart and Shoulder; it is the same story, but from Chloe’s pov. Comments, critiques always welcome.


and here you are
by my side

Chloe was beyond scared and Jimmy’s constant harping on how ‘she trusted Clark more than him’ had grated on her last nerve. Finally, after having had enough of his insecurities she had asked him to leave so she could get some sleep, but she had tossed and turned in her bed until exhaustion and fear had drove her to seek her safe place; the basement of the Daily Planet.

It was quiet so late at night and Chloe sat staring at her computer monitor, her thoughts whirling, tears blurring her vision.

How long would it take for her meteor power to manifest? How long would it be before she left havoc and destruction in her wake and she ended up in Belle Reve, or worse?

A small sound caught her attention and she looked up to see Clark standing next to her. She sniffed and wiped at her eyes as he pulled up a chair and sat next to her.

He draped a large, comforting arm across her shoulders and hugged her to him.

“You look dazed and confused. Are you okay?” Clark said gently.

“I can't sleep. I can't work. I can't think about anything else.”

“You've been through a lot.”

“There's a reason they took me, and we both know it's not because I was a witness.” Chloe swallowed hard. “Tobias didn't identify you Clark because you're not a meteor freak. It was me.”

He covered her hand with his own and squeezed slightly, “Chloe, it must have been a mistake.”

“How do you know that? I mean, I've been exposed to more kryptonite than practically anyone else in Smallville. It's not that much of a stretch to think that I could have been infected somewhere along the way.”

“But you don't have any powers.” Clark studied at her closely, “Do you?”

“No, but that doesn't rule me out. There's a percentage of the Wall of Weird that were latent for years. They didn't exhibit any of their powers until long after their exposure.”

Clark smiled crookedly, “Okay. All right, let's say it's true. But who's to say you're ever gonna develop any powers at all?”

“All I know is that every single meteor freak I've ever run into has ended up either dead or in Belle Reve.” Chloe bit her trembling lip and down at their hands. “Face it, Clark. I'm a walking time bomb.”

Chloe couldn’t keep the panic out of her voice, or stop the tear that fell on his hand covering hers.

He hugged her tighter and joked lamely, “Then just think of me your own personal bomb squad.”

She blinked back the ever threatening tears and looked back up into determined brilliant green eyes. Chloe smiled slightly as she leaned forward to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Then he did the most amazing thing. He turned his face to meet her mouth with his own.

A little ‘oooh’ of surprise escaped her and she froze.

The soft little brushes of his mouth against hers were friendly, comforting and emotions swirled through her as he hesitated a moment then pressed his mouth firmer against hers.

She felt him tremble and his hand tightened on her injured shoulder. Chloe winced and cried out softly in protest.

Clark broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers; he stared into her eyes, his voice roughened with emotion as he said softly, “I will never let anything happen to you Chloe.”

He cupped her face in one large hand and brushed his thumb across her cheek.

Chloe sighed as she leaned into that soothing hand and another big fat tear escaped her closed eyes as he pulled her head to his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her.

He rocked her slightly, humming softly into her hair as she lost herself in his comforting embrace.

She was vaguely aware of being surrounded by the weight of his jacket and the muted roar of wind passing couldn’t break the soothing spell of being cradled against his warm chest and it wasn’t until his arms left her that she stirred and clutched at the front of his shirt, panic starting to rebuild as she murmured, “Clark. Please. Don’t leave me.”

The mattress dipped slightly as he lay down next to her.

“Never. Chloe. Never.” Clark promised against her hair he wrapped his arms around her again.

She sighed and snuggled against his chest as she finally drifted off to sleep.


There was no color to the world and she was alone.

Chloe moaned softly as she struggled against the fear that threatened to overwhelm her, but dread held her in its bleak embrace.

She almost missed the soft murmur of her name over the rapid beating of her heart, but she couldn’t ignore the slow rasp of a masculine cheek sliding against hers, or the tender press of an incredibly soft mouth against her temple. Chloe tried to focus, clung to those sensations and hope surged through her as strong hands coaxed and drew her from her nightmare.

Joyous recognition inundated her and Chloe blinked as she clutched at the shirt bunching under her hands and gasped out, “It’s you! Clark! It’s always you!” She tilted her head and smiled, relief flooding her as she gazed upwards into his face.

Time seemed to stretch out as she studied him. He was more beautiful than any man had the right to be.

A wayward lock of sleep mussed hair curled across his forehead, his eyes, darkly framed by sooty lashes and oh so brilliant green, shining and full of some unnamed emotion.

Chloe blinked again as she returned the musing smile that tugged at the corner of his full lips, then he lowered his head until his mouth was only a breath away from hers.

“No,” Clark said, “It’s you Chloe. It’s always you.”

She trembled as his arms tightened around her and he brushed his mouth lightly against hers as he rolled her underneath him. She arched against him as he deepened the kiss and Chloe moaned as her hands slid up across his chest and tangled in the dark hair curling at the nape of his neck.

Clark groaned and his hands wandered to her hips as he broke their kiss and panted harshly as he dropped his head to her shoulder.

Chloe’s hands wandered and explored the broad expanse of his back. She shivered when he growled softly and she could feel the firm heat of his erection as she wiggled against him.

He kissed across her shoulder, his mouth brushing across the bandage he had placed on her earlier that evening. Strong fingers peeled back the dressing, and then his mouth was pressing against the wound.

Sensations inundated her as the burning ache in her shoulder transmuted into something akin to pleasure, something beyond all rational thought and Chloe shuddered and cried out; clutching at him as his tongue softly bathed her flesh.

Every slow, moist lick caused warm tingles to course through her and when he pulled back from her she stared at her healed shoulder in shock.

His fear was palatable as Chloe lifted her hands and tenderly cradled his face. She brushed her fingertips across his cheek and smiled up at him before carefully tracing a finger along the marvelous fullness of his bottom lip.

“You are amazing.” Chloe whispered.

He blinked and smiled hesitantly, “I want to be. For you,” he said hoarsely.

Chloe smiled again and pulled his head down and pressed her lips against his. “How could I not want you? I’ve always wanted you,” she murmured against his amazing mouth as he sighed into her kiss.

Then there was a sudden whoosh of air and their clothing disappeared.

Chloe sighed as he pulled her closer and settled back against her. She could feel the helpless little jerks of his hips, rubbing his erection against her side as he deepened their kiss.

She moaned as Clark’s hand cupped her breast, his thumb stroking over the hardened nub of her aching nipple as his tongue tangled with hers.

He kissed down her neck and chest as his hand wandered lower, softly brushing across her belly and his mouth covered one taut nipple as his large hand covered her sex.

She cried out his name as he suckled hard and his fingers curled in the moist warmth between her legs. Her hips lifted of their own accord, rhythmically encouraging his further exploration as he carefully slipped first one, then another finger inside her. Chloe bit at her lip as he delved into her slowly, and she cried out again as his thumb brushed over her clit and pleasure rippled through her.

A soft moan escaped her as he withdrew his fingers and shifted his body as he pushed her thighs further apart and settled between her legs. She grasped at his hair and brought his mouth to hers as the broad head of his cock slipped inside her.

Instinctively she lifted her leg to wrap around his hip. She gasped as he sank slowly into her and Chloe cried out as her body adjusted to his incredible thickness. She moaned his name against his shoulder and dragged her nails across his skin, encouraging him to move faster, harder and he obliged by quickly falling into a steady pounding rhythm.

Soon she was shuddering and clutching at him and she couldn’t help but to cry out “I love you Clark!” as pleasure rocketed through her.

Instantly his hips jolted and he threw his head back, crying out her name as fire burst from his eyes and his cock jerked hard within her as he came filling her with a thick sticky heat before he collapsed heavily on her.

Smoke filled the air and the apartment’s fire alarm blared shrilly and after a long panting moment he withdrew from her and quickly put out the flames licking at the wall next to the bed.

He turned and she could feel the sudden fear that froze him.

She smiled, scorched walls were nothing compared to the bliss and safety she felt in his presence. Chloe lifted her arms, beckoning him back to her.

He settled back next to her and sighed softly as he cradled her to his chest. The tension left him as she placed soft kisses on his chest and contentment accentuated the previous bliss as Chloe hugged him tightly to her.

She blinked back the tears that seemed to be her constant companion. Her meteor infection still scared her, and she wasn’t sure of what the future would bring, but for right now she was confident of one sure thing.

Cradled so tenderly in Clark’s arms; she was right where she belonged.


chlark, fic, smut, smallville, fic: open arms, chloe, clark

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