Tom - 2002 WB Upfronts

Dec 03, 2008 20:27

Happy, happy birthdays to uberwillow and ayanne_c! I hope your special day has been filled with friends and family and much loves and goodies!

Ahem. Yep. That time again. Tommy pretties! \o/

This time it's the 2002 WB Upfronts. The shaggy hair ala the Duran InStyle shoot, that grin and teh scruff! And those beautiful green eyes! What isn't to love? And for those of us you with teh eyebrow scar kink, this set certainly isn't lacking in that department. :D

Many, many, many thanks to carolandtom! She is so totally made of awesomesauce!

Standard Warning! The images and random commentary within may cause my flisters to question my sanity, or could cause happiness and joy, excessive drooling and/or fangirl squeeing, dirty, bad and oh so wrong thoughts combined with tingling and/or warmth in or around various body parts. The pics are from all over the place, including, but not limited to DTTW, DTS, tomwellingitalia,,, and the incomparable carolandtom. Please check my profile page for all my resources.

33 pretties, some very large, NOT dial up friendly.

Whee! Full-length Tommy pics are always a treat! Anybody but me notice just how low riding those jeans are? *g*

Don't you just love the little head tilt and sweet smile?

Big Tommy grin! Awwwww!

Why oh why must people watermark over his pretty face? If anyone has this without the watermark, please share!

I love, love these next four pics!

This next one has to be my fav of the bunch! Those beautiful eyes and those lovely, lovely oh so red lips! And and hint of Tommy!fangs! *swoon*

I hope you enjoyed!



02 upfronts, picspam, tom welling

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