Totally Random Abyss Thoughts

Nov 15, 2008 15:26

Whee! My Chlarky heart is full of squee! Abyss didn't suck! Yays!

(PS3, you will never ever ever be forgiven for fucking with the Fever letter, but someday in the future I may be persuaded to listen to your apology.)

I can't believe how much I enjoyed this one, given that the season has been mostly WTF? and heartbreaking to me. I loved this eppy on so many levels! Yays for some killer FX! Yays for not fucking up any Chlarky 'special' memories! And super yays for Tom thighs! \o/ *did you see those killer Tommy thighs in the FoS? swoon*

Oh Clark, sweetie, my big dumb alien. This isn't gonna work. Wanna know why?

Because you've done exactly what Brainiac wanted you to. Brainiac has cut you off, with your help, (kinda like when he manipulated you into throwing the dagger at him instead of Lex. Remember how well that turned out my pretty Kryptonian? *sigh* ), from your main support system at this point in your destiny. Chloe has been everything to you; best friend, ally, your loudest cheerleader and your most vocal critic. Chloe is your partner in crime and world saving. You guys even have each others names on your respective romantic dance cards. (Just because you guys haven't competely hooked up romanticly (yet *g*) doesn't mean both of you haven't thought about it and wanted it over the past 8 seasons so almost lover plays into this too.)

I heart Clark so much! My superhero so wants to do the right thing. *sigh*

But what do they say? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. :)

And it was obvious by the end of the episode Clark was starting the feel the heat of a special kind of hell's flames. *hugs my poor slow Clarky* The Reckoning parallels are screaming here Clark! Please wake up soon and fix this before Doomsday all hell breaks loose! You can't 'change' stuff without something else, usually bad, happening. He lost Jonathon for Lana. I can only hope he doesn't lose Chloe for Chloe this time. And Clark sweetie, if you were thinking straight and not in a Brainiac goaded panic and still didn't have 'daddy issues' you would have realized that you weren't talking to Jor-El. The A.I. would have counseled against changing stuff, not encourage it.

The FoS was already infected by Brainiac. He 'fixed' it to send Clark into the PZ the moment he touched it. It is obvious he had already started his infection of the FoS, Clark bringing Chloe to the Fortress and allowing the 'removal' of the major part of Brainiac only sped up his takeover of the A.I. I do think that Chloe is still infected, Brainiac is too crafty to have not left a little something behind. She's a 'vessel' he wouldn't hesitate to use again if need be and besides, he's 'calling' Doomsday with her too. Why would he give this up?

Speaking of Doomsday. Doomsy oh Doomsy. *huggers* I truely feel sympathy for Davis. His connection with Chloe I think is a genuine one. Encouraged by Brainiac of course too, but I think still there. Whether he can survive his transformation into the destroyer he is destined to be or not is not in question, but I don't think that the Davis that they are showing us would have wanted his destiny. An interesting dark mirror to Clark who has fought so long his own destiny. *sigh* Why do I love those hopeless cases?

The run through Chloe's Chlarky memories was awesome! And I squeed several times. How the hell can anyone believe in the Chlimmy when we have undeniable proof that Chloe's Happy Place is full of Chlarky goodness??

Yays again for good FX and no fucking with the moments! The reshot add ons were great! And the 'new' memory of their first kiss. Awwwwwwww. I didn't think I could love Clark more, but when awkward hands in pocket Clarky whooshed off to get awkward trying to act all metropolitan Chloe her favorite book... awwwwwwwwwwwww. Its so telling that Clark didn't hesistate to use his 'abilities' to make her happy. Sure she didn't 'catch' it, but you know, maybe subliminally she did. After all she always knew there was something special about Clark.

Clark's Fever-esque 'let you go' speech to Chloe was beautful and heartbreaking. This was Clark's Fever letter. He even used the 'let you go' line. Whether one believes in Chlark or not, one cannot deny that Clark loves Chloe. I don't care what qualifier one wants to put on it, (you guys know where I stand on that one) romantic, platonic, whatever...

This eppy is undeniable proof that Clark loves Chloe.



abyss, chlark, smallville, clark

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