I'm baaaaaaaack!! *g*

Oct 05, 2008 21:52

(apologies beforehand, the potential for some flist spamming over the next little bit is high.)

Anybody miss me? Huh? Huh? *g*

RL has been sucktastic lately, as she is wont to do and I'm dreadfully behind on my flist and comments and emails and gah... everything!! So please forgive my late replies!

I'd like to get my Toxic thoughts down (not near as bitter as last weeks ramble, but still has plenty of bitching *g*) and I have some pretty one picspamage and I've been playing around with the some sequel ideas those evol little fanfic faeries have been throwing at me. So, let's see if something shiny pretty comes along and distracts me before I can finish them. *g*

Ahem, lately there have been some new peeps around, so to those brave or naive enough to friend me I say, welcome and enjoy the insanity. *g*

Okay... let me ask you guys something. Do I need to do one of those sticky post thingys at the top of my el jay? You know, with the 'this is what me and my el jay are, my friending policy, links to the ficcies and the picspams and other pretties' thing that makes other peoples el jays easier to navigate?

Take the little poll and tell me!!

Poll Order or Chaos?

Big smishes to the anon person who bought me a years worth of el jay time!! And I don't know if they are the same person or not, but then later anon bought me the extra userpics option so I wouldn't lose all my pretties! So smishes and more smishes and still more smishes.  I know its silly, but it really made me want to cry to think I was gonna have to go back to a default free el jay with only 6 user pics and you, whoever you are have really made me unbelievably happy with your kindness!! *heart*


OMG! estoile!!! You're in the same country as me!! Whee!! Gal you don't know how bad I wish I could see you! *smishes*

And last, but not least...

Happy, happy birthday to all_you_wanted! Belated happy, happy birthdays to massena1 and pen37 and big hugs and apologies if I've missed anyone!!


rambling, rl, smallville

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