Sep 28, 2009 22:28
How much have you changed in 20 years? Share
****20 YEARS AGO (1989)****
1) How old were you? 8
2) Who were you dating? No one- I was 8
3) Where did you work? 3rd grade
4) Where did you live? My mom's trailer in the middle of the woods outside of Eldon, MO
5) Where did you hang out? school waiting for my mom to pick me up
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? no
7) Who were your best friends? Lindsey and Tanya, I remember both betrayed me :( thinks that's why I'm screwed up when it comes to friends..
8) How many tattoos did you have? None
9) How many piercings did you have? none
10) What kind of car did you drive? a pink Barbie Corvette
11) Had you been to a real party? No
12) Had you had your heart broken? No
13) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single
14) Any Kids? Nope
****15 YEARS AGO (1994)****
1) How old were you? 14
2) Who were you dating? no one
3) Where did you work? School still
4) Where did you live? Derelict trailer in the middle of the woods
5) Where did you hang out? School
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Contacts
7) Who were your best friends? Sherri and Chasity
8) How many tattoos did you have? none
9) How many piercings did you have? just 1 in each ear
10) What kind of car did you drive? I didn't, but I had a sweet bike
11) Had you been to a real party? No
12) Had you had your heart broken? not yet
13) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single
14) Any Kids? no
***10 YEARS AGO (1999)***
1) How old were you? 17
2) Who were you dating? Mike Hunter, the jackass
3) Where did you work? Pinnacle Telemarketing
4) Where did you live? Middle of nowhere in a slightly better trailer that at least wasn't falling apart
5) Where did you hang out? Nowhere
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Contacts
7) Who were your best friends? Sherri & Chas
8) How many tattoos did you have? none
9) How many piercings did you have? 2 in each ear
10) What kind of car did you drive? I still didn't have one, we couldn't afford shit
11) Had your heart broken? By Mike Hunter and I think later Mike Morgan did a good job too
12) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? single
13) Any Kids? Jesus no!
****TODAY (2009)****
1) Age? 27
2) Where do you work? Accent Marketing
3) Where do you live? Gladstone MO
4) Do you wear contacts and/ or glasses? Both
5) Who are your closest friends? Angie & Michelle and I dunno who else to put here.. I don't have any close friends anymore to be honest.. I have people I talk to sometimes but school has messed that up......
6) Do you talk to your old friends? mostly on Myspace or Facebook
7) How many piercings do you have? 6
8) How many tattoos? One
9) What kind of car do you have? Toyota Corolla
10) Has your heart been broken? Yes, but not lately
11) How many kids? Still not procreating
12) Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Taken for a long time so far...
Got these from the ol' Monicers...
1. Do you like blue cheese? I used to
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? certainly not
3. Do you own a gun? No, I'm not a gun toter
4. What flavor do you add to your drink? I don't usually, but I would add cherry if I had the choice
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yeah, I always want to like the Dr. and usually I don't
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Eh. Quick eatin's.
7. Favorite Christmas movies? THE GRINCH! THAT'S ME BABAY! BAH F'in HUMBUG!!
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coke. I don't like coffee a lot.
9. Can you do push-ups? I hate doing push ups, but yes
10. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? I dunno, I think I like it all, but seriously I always wear my ankh ring. I have worn an ankh ring since I was 16, nevermind that my fav one broke just this year :( but now I have another one
11. What is your favorite hobby? reading and making things
12. What is one trait that you love about yourself? my sense of humor
13. What is one trait you dislike about yourself? my short temper
14. Middle name? Rose :) I love it
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I need to eat this pizza but it's burnt-ish, I really wanted Chinese or tacos and I need to do my homework but I don't WANNA!
16. Name 3 things you bought today: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and I think that's it
17. Name 4 drinks you regularly drink: Water, Coke, Green Tea and Juice
18. What you are worried about? Work
19. What do you hate right now? Um, starting to dislike my job...
20. Favorite place to be? The park, out in nature somewhere
21. How did you bring in the New Year? Um it sucked, I need to be invited to a New Year's party people, c'mon
22. Where would you like to go? Egypt for the rest of my life would be pretty sweet
23. Name two people who will complete this? your mama and her baby daddy
24. Do you own slippers? I do but I dunno where they be
26. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? It kinda sucks cuz they just fall off the bed, hell with that...
27. Favorite color? VIOLENT VIOLET BABAY
28. Would you be a pirate? so I could drink Rum all day and be on the water- Hell yes
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing, and I don't shower, I take baths
30. Favorite girl's name? Saraya
31. Favorite boy's name? Shaine
32. What is in your pocket right now? Lipgloss
33. Last person that made you laugh? Eh, John of course
34. Best bed sheets as a child? Weird cute puppies
35. Worst injury you have ever had? Um, probably a tore up knee. I have never broken anything.
36.. Do you love where you live? It's cool, I like this apartment complex
37. How many TVs do you have? 2
38. Who is your loudest friend? Um, that'd be Melissa. She's one of the loudest people I've ever met. I like her that way though...
39. What is your fav book? There are sooooo many!! I would say a major fav is The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix. (Thanks, Liz..) It's 3 books and I LOVES THEMS!!
40. Favorite season? Fall, want it to stay all year, a lot of the time I pretend it's fall LOL
41. Favorite holiday? Halloween
42. How many friends could you call your BEST friends? 2
43. What song do you want played at your funeral? OOH I LIKE THIS QUESTION! I'm morbid.. um.. 1. Today by The Smashing Pumpkins 2. Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult 3. Regret by New Order
44. What were you doing at midnight? Sleeping
45. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? I wanna sleep *snore*