Apr 30, 2003 23:41
Well, it's been quite some time! I've been extra busy. *gasp!* I have gained my life back. It died a few years back, but like Lazarus, it was raised back to animation.
At any rate, so much has been going on. My Computer Network Theory class and A+ Core and Maintaining (etc) class have been going well. *grins* I have placed Windows XP Pro on my computers here, and I'm having fun tinkering with them. Placed them on NTFS (New Technology File System, for most of you who aren't in the comp scene - *giggle*). I like NTFS with XP - very secure. I'm setting up a network in a week or so, and next week I'm making my own cables for the computers. Like Carson says (he's the Network Administrator for my school) XP is great. *L* Shae (one of my friends at school) had Windows 98 on his laptop and Carson icked and told him to put XP on it. *chuckles* It's just not as good for some people anymore, especially the more you want to do with your systems and if you're into it. *laughs at herself* I'll admit - I'm slowly turning into a computer geek (ARE YOU HAPPY SHAE?!) *lol* I'm sure he'll be happy to read that, though I'll never actually say that IRL *snicker*. Also NTFS has smaller clusters, which means a hell of a lot less waste. *chuckles* And more computer Jargon... *grin* Ugh - been looking at Ian's Compaq - I'll get that thing running smoothly soon.. I swear, it's just ick. Lovely pre-packaged crap. *chuckles* Dell is a big laugh around the school. I mean, Dell servers are fine - but everyone keeps saying if anyone buys Dells (or Compaqs *L* sorry Ian) PCs, they don't know much about computers. And if something has onboard video, they soooo aren't gamers.
I'm looking to upgrade my AMD. I can't wait to pull off the heat sink and get at the CPU. But, I have to get some solution for it before I can do that. I'm planning to buy a few sticks of RAM, a 60 GB HDD - at least (for my 2nd HDD), and a bunch of fans to put inside the PC to cool off the comp for the summer. It's great when you can spend only a little bit of money and put together a kick ass PC. I think in a month or so, after I get the fans, I'm going to overclock my system.
*L* Anyways, enough of the computer stuff. Been talking to Heather more - which is great! Can't wait until she can visit or when I can see her again.
We had a nice Easter dinner with Shae and his wife Joanne, and I've been meaning to hang out with Shae more. We're going to see X-Men 2 this weekend. I know Matrix Reloaded is coming out on IMAX here as well, though I'm not a Matrix enthusiast. I want to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King on IMAX! *L* That'd be all kinds of crazy! ...but in a good way...hee hee. I may play Shadowrun with Shae next week. was supposed to tomorrow, but Ian and I have a lot of unpacking to do, and I forgot about it (the packing). Been playing Diablo II with Shae on Battlenet *chuckles* though I'm not so obsessed with it as everyone else is. I still like Starcraft. *grins* I should see who James (my professor) comes on Battlenet as. He says he plays both on Battlenet. He's probably in his early thirties or something. He's pretty cool. *L* Very Office Spacesque (*grin*). Long story.
Anyways, I'm off to watch a little tv, then sleep so I can get to school somewhat earlier to study for my test tomorrow.