(no subject)

Jan 20, 2009 22:45

Today I got accused of beating my dog. Which you know, makes sense. That's why I'm in the vet field. I love to beat animals.

By a PetSmart trainer that has already been all up in my fucking business before. I don't even work with this woman, who is 40 years old and stirs up drama like she's in high school. Why did she accuse me of this? Because I PLAYFULLY tapped him on the nose after he got out of the hospital and into PetSmart. She brought him back to me. She tells me, "If you EVER hit your dog again, I'll hit YOU." As she's leaving she goes "Oh, and YOU'RE WELCOME." Then she proceeds to go outside and tell one of OUR FUCKING CLIENTS that I hit my dog in the face. I am so infuriated. I have a coworker (the head nurse..) there to vouch that I in no way STRUCK my dog. This is the second time this bitch has gotten all into my shit. My manager (the hospital manager, the only one who is in charge of me) is 100% behind me.
My first day at this clinic, a client comes in with a dog vomiting worms and I explain to her that our doctor has to leave at 2 and he's in surgery ATM. I call 4 other clinics to find one to refer her to, apologizing profusely for her inconvenience. During this time she's talking to this bitch trainer, and the trainer goes and tells PetSmart's manager that I was rude and didn't try to help this woman at all. The manager comes and busts my balls for refusing to see a client because of what this bitch said to him. He's since apologized, realizing that she was misinformed, and he and I are on good terms now, no problems.
This client is the same one she told I hit my dog today. The client already hates me because of this trainer, has even specifically asked that I never be her nurse. (Which is fine, because the lady is nuts.) I have never had a problem with any other client I've helped. I have awesome customer service skills, no one can tell me differently. Some people just don't want to cooperate.
I'm going to her fucking manager and the other trainer about this. I already tell every client who asks me about training to use the other trainer (MY trainer) because she's so much better. Bitch at me, whatever, that's fine, but NEVER tell a CLIENT who uses our hospital that I BEAT MY DOG.
I told an assistant manager who's going to have the GM give me a call tomorrow. She agrees that the entire thing is ridiculous. I don't work for fucking PetSmart, this bitch can't treat me that way. I'm all out telling him that she threatened me and told a client that I'm abusive. Forget this shit. This is the only PetSmart employee I've had problems with, and it's twice now. She's fucking out for my blood. So now I'm out for hers. Go ahead and make me look bad, goat-fucker. Go get some fucking friends and leave me the fuck alone.

BITCH IS CRAZY. Can't wait to talk to her manager tomorrow. Dumb fucking cunt waste.
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