Jul 15, 2011 22:19

I got back from seeing the very last Harry Potter movie a few hours ago! It's all so surreal. I don't think it's really sunk in yet. But this is all I've been thinking about all week and it'll be the only thing I'll be thinking about for a while. lol I don't think I have the capacity to do a full-blown review so I'm putting in my thoughts and reaction from certain parts of the movie in random sequence. Of course, I think the movie'll be even better and I'll remember more after seeing it a second time (which I will soon) but I wanna do it right now, so here we go. I don't even think I'm making sense right now. lol This has been an interesting day.

Warning: A bunch of tl;dr, this thing turned out a LOT longer than I thought it would be. Hope you enjoy anyway. Tell me what you thought of the movie afterwards! Also, I have gifs in here (cause I'm a gif whore) straight from the film itself, along with spoilers, of course. I strongly suggest getting off your ass and going to the theater before clicking the cut.

-- I thought the movie started off a bit stiff and slow, at Shell Cottage and such. It was very quiet compared to the rest of the movie. The scenes were necessary, though, cause they were from the book and we needed to get through them so we could get to Gringotts.

-- Gringotts was a bit shaky at some parts, too, but the visuals when they were going down to the vault were awesome, and so were the scenes with the dragon. That dragon was great. lol

-- When the movie REALLY kicked off was when they finally got to Hogwarts. Then it started feeling like the last Harry Potter movie to me. Everything after that was astounding.

-- McGonagall was BADASS in this movie! She was perfect! And she was also funny! lol "I've always wanted to use that spell." It was great closure to her character, they used her well.

-- You know who else was badass? NEVILLE! He was DEFINITELY one of the best parts of the movie. I always thought he was funny before, only there for comic relief. But they portrayed him as a hero in this movie so amazingly, while still making us laugh (in a very good way). "YEAH? YOU AND WHOSE ARMY?" "That went well!" and so on. He made me so proud.

-- I have to say Tom Felton did a great job with Draco in this movie as well. I don't really have to say much else, he was just great. I always loved him as Draco.

-- The special effects were, as always, SPECTACULAR. I wish we got to see more of the battle, but what we did get, it just all looked so epic. The wards, everything being destroyed. The look of the entire battle was phenomenal. I wish we got more of it, but I'm happy with what we got.


-- And now, of course, for the kiss. Oh, the kiss. You know the one I'm talking about. The Ron/Hermione kiss in the Chamber of Secrets was just... I don't know, fun. lol The best part was how they laughed afterwards. They're not an angsty couple, they're just a fun couple, and I loved the tone of the whole scene. I was smiling the entire time. And people laughed in the theater as well, or should I say giggled. It was just a happy scene amongst all the chaos. Their scenes together throughout the entire movie were so cute; one of my favorites being after the battle was all over and Ron & Hermione walking in holding hands, Harry just gives them a big knowing grin, and Ron & Hermione look embarrassed. lmao. It was a golden scene. But yeah, Ron/Hermione just brought light to the whole movie and I really appreciated their scenes. <3

-- Also, I LOVED how after Draco cast the Killing Curse at Hermione (I think that's what happened? It happened a little fast) and Ron ran after him, yelling "THAT IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" Hermione just looked all shocked and so did I. That was PERFECT LMFAO! Basically, nearly everything Ron said in this movie was either brilliant and/or funny.

Exhibit A:

-- Oh, and the Harry/Ginny kiss... I am not a fan of them at all. Their kiss just fell flat. While the audience I was in reacted to the Ron/Hermione kiss, nobody reacted at all to the Harry/Ginny kiss. Their 'relationship' always felt empty to me, moreso in the movies, esp with zero buildup both in the books AND the movies. It was just weird seeing them together period.

-- Voldemort was a troll. A hilarious troll. Seriously, yeah he's evil and all that, but he was so FUNNY in this movie! Loved when he pushed Bellatrix out of the way, great little humor. And ESPECIALLY when he hugged Draco... really, that was the most awkward moment of the entire movie. I was shocked tbh when Draco was going up to them and then all of a sudden Voldy goes and gives him a great big fake hug with a great big fake smile on his face. Some people laughed in the theater, I was like O.o. lmfao. I bet Draco was fucking revolted, like "why is he touching me. Oh my God."


-- I would like to express my utter appreciation for Alan Rickman's amazing acting chops. Two of the best scenes of this entire series were his death scene and The Prince's Tale and it was ALL cause of Alan. He was unbelievable. I've said before that even after DH, Snape is not redeemable in my eyes, but... I guess I feel differently for movie!Snape. Alan made me feel so sorry for him. I even cried (I cried a lot, but ya get it). And it was just striking when he started crying after seeing Lily dead... it was so weird, cause Snape NEVER showed any emotion like that throughout the movies, but then in this one he was legit bawling. Made me really feel something. I applaud you, Alan. Man deserves an Oscar.

AND Daniel Radcliffe, you beast, this was the best performance he's ever done. The two best actors of this movie IN MY OPINION were Alan & Dan. His performance was flawless. He delivered his lines with such power and he WAS Harry Potter. He just was. There couldn't have been a better man for the job. I have an unconditional love for Daniel Radcliffe, always. <3

-- My only disappointment was not seeing Fred's death. That confuses me. It was such an important part. I appreciated, though, this scene that we got where Ron finds Fred's dead body and bursts into tears. Rupert was amazing in that part and his reaction, coupled with the FACT that Fred is dead, made me bawl. Very well done. Still, we should've gotten to see his death, like in the book. I don't know why they cut it.

-- When Luna sat down next to Neville after the battle was over & they shared a little look, my immediate thought was "they shoulda ended up together." Maybe they did in the movie series! Just not in the books. ;)

-- The Forest Again is my FAVORITE HP chapter of all time. I always break down in sobs whenever I read it through. It was one of the things I was anticipating the most in the movie and it did not disappoint. It was exactly how it was supposed to be: solemn, sort of peaceful, yet heartbreaking at the same time. And you know I cried. One of Dan's best scenes, and I love how everyone had something to say. I just, I... *sniff* That was the way it was supposed to be. I also didn't mind them changing it so Harry informed Ron & Hermione of what he was doing. It made the whole thing all the more sad, really. Hermione's best line in the entire film was "I'll go with you!" I loved when she said that. It was all so incredible.

-- They handled humor paired with epicness very well. The one-liners were great and very memorable. HP humor is very distinctive. Love it.

-- Of course Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix was flawless. Starting with her playing Hermione pretending to be Bellatrix (her 'pretending to be badass' facial expressions were hysterical) and then in her last scenes before she died, Helena was perfection in that role. I would also like to say Narcissa is a hero. So great in this movie.

-- Harry & Voldemort's last battle was so intense; the extra fighting bits and going all over the castle were necessary for an action movie and helps building up the suspense. I wish they added in a little more of Harry's speech, but overall, I am very satisfied with how it turned out.

-- Ah, the epilogue. Lots of people hated it, I just thought it was interesting in a weird sort of way. Yes, it was cheesy, but I liked the happily-ever-after feel. Harry finally got peace and happiness and KIDS. I'm so glad they changed the look from the original shoot, cause that makeup was just horrific. They looked much better this time around. They're supposed to be 37-38, not 55. They looked damn good. I thought it was very cute and felt like it was an appropriate ending to one of the most popular franchises of all time. My favorite part was Harry & Albus before they got on the train. Very sweet. Harry learned a lot. I also loved how both the last scene on the bridge (or whatever it was, all the rubble) and the last shot of the epilogue all ended with a shot of the trio. It'll always be them. <3

-- Lastly, I was part of the best audience. Except for a couple people talking (I asked them to be quiet), everyone acted pretty much like an audience watching an HP movie should. They laughed at the appropriate times (actually, they laughed a lot), I heard sniffling throughout the theater at points (not loud sobbing, which I was kinda thankful for), and my favorite: they clapped and cheered when Molly said "not my daughter, you bitch!", when Neville cut the snake's head off, and when the movie ended. PERFECT AUDIENCE WAS PERFECT. Made me enjoy the movie more. :D

And finally, MY CHILDHOOD HAS ENDED. It is not ending with my 18th birthday, which is in a month. It's ending with the Harry Potter franchise officially being done. My God, I can't believe it's really over. I've been a fan of Harry Potter nearly my whole life. I'm so sad knowing there won't be any more news and anticipation about the next book/movie like there used to be all the time. We've got Pottermore coming! But it's not gonna be the same. :( I would just like to say I loved being a part of this fandom. It was so much fun, and I'll be an HP fan for the rest of my life. You know my kids are gonna be reading this shit! Harry Potter, you'll always be in my heart, always my hero. <3

harry potter, reviews

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