I've gone a little overboard. Again. Perhaps it's because d00m has been so slow, but for the past week I've been occupying myself with new RPGs. At this point, I'm a little afraid for myself.
d00m: Moderator Responsibilities plus like a bazillion characters. Thanks, Purple! (Yahoo Groups)
Colony: The bane of my existence. This is the single most elite game I've ever joined. Two characters here. Fortunately, things are quiet. (Yahoo Groups)
ISS Tyranny: Ah, my fascination with the alternate universe of Star Trek. Only one character aboard the Tyranny...and he likes to torture people. (Yahoo Groups)
Oblivion: Your typical horror-aboard-the-cruise-ship routine. I'm playing a total slut. Oh, Savannah. (IJ: savannahjames)
Metamorphose: Added this one on a whim. I like to play big kitties, and I'm curious to see how it will turn out. (IJ: white_growl)
Daingerfield: This one is very Deadlands... The mods are being weirdly picky about the Mormon thing. Ah, well. Missa is playing my character's sister-wife, bless her. It's going to be a fantastic time! (LJ: wife_one)
Harmony: Shawn Spencer (IJ: i_eat_pineapples) and Dax (IJ: host_eight). Unfortunately, Dax's husband just left the game. Sigh. This game has a really great premise... Characters are kidnapped and brainwashed into having Pleasantville lives. Very cool.
Urbiphage: This seems to have a very cool steampunky setting. I am *so* reading these books sometime soon. I get to play Bigby~ So awesome! (LJ: artic_wolfman)
Discounting d00m, in which I have far too many active characters to count, I have 9 characters in almost as many RPGs. I think I'm going to start running around like a chicken with my head cut off when these things all start up... Somebody stop me from looking into more?