Day to Day Life Cracks Me Up Sometimes

Jul 05, 2006 18:10

Okay, we all know when living with someone, pet peeves are bound to pop up.
Well one of mine did. I sat down for a nice relaxing BM, turned to grab some TP, and nope...nothing but a cardboard roll!
Luckily I could reach a fresh one without compromising anything. However, I took the opportunity to march into the living room and re-enact a scene Id once seen on a sit-com.

ME (a new roll of TP in one hand, the holder in the other)…”It’s not rocket science! You just go (slipping holder through roll and tugging the first sheet loose) this!”

FROST: (Stares at me dumbfounded and begins to mumble, formulate an explanation)

ME: (burst out laughing) Sorry, couldn’t help it. I’ve been waiting ages to use that line, saw it on a TV sitcom. But, it is a pet peeve.

So today, look what I find! Still cracking up…excuse the pun!

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