Begin at the beginning.

Aug 08, 2005 17:18

Well, it's been a while since I've logged into here. I just ran into someone last night who said she read my LJ. I felt badly that there wasn't really anything new to read lately, so I decided to write down a few things.

Ok, let's see. Where to start...


Well, I still hate my boss. He was supposed to have left a couple weeks ago and gone elsewhere so I wouldn't have to deal with his stupid ass anymore, each time it's supposed to be his last day, something goes awry and he's still here.

I am supposed to be going to work in Italy for the next few years. I am getting bits and pieces of information on the job I'm supposed to do over there and there are already a few things that do not add up. I will ask more when I have a more permanent contact over there. For those of you who care to see me before I depart, drop me a note and I'll see what I can manage. I can't make promises, as things change on a daily basis, but I can try.

Love Life

Personal Growth

Well, there has certainly been a lot of this. I have actually gotten some very positive feedback about it. I'm certainly less timid and more willing to speak my mind on things. This has both good points and downfalls. On the good side, it leaves less garbage inside to eat away at me like acid. On the down side, it seems to cause more confrontation. I'm not always saying that confrontation is a bad thing, just that it adds stress and potentially bad scenarios to my already crazy life.


Yeah. For those of you who didn't know, I seem to have picked up the habit of smoking clove cigarettes over the past few months, due to a number of reasons, not the least of which is having to deal with my shithead of a boss. I decided one day last weekend that I should quit. It was irritating realizing that I was addicted to something. It hit like a ton of bricks when I realized that I was all cranky and edgy and all of that when I hadn't smoked in a while. So, I haven't had one since. Don't get me wrong, those first few days were hard, more out of habit than physical symptoms. I must say though, I thought it was crazy before I tried to quit smoking, but the part about chewing gum, oh is it a life saver.

Le fin
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