Apr 01, 2007 13:42
I just had the pefect weekend ever!!! On friday I took the train and drove to Paderborn. Uli picked me up around 4pm at the station and we drove to his qigong center. He had planned an evening with qigong, meditation and watching a korean movie called "Spring, summer,fall, winter... and again spring". I helped and made the meditation places for the 30 people who came... It really was a funny evening. I like the meditation the most. It was really relaxing!!!
On saturday Uli and I stayd in bed till 2pm... afterwards we visited a student of his. She opened her own qigong acupunctre center this weekend. Then we went shopping. In the evening we painted one of his walls darkred and ate sushi, which was soooo delicious!!!!
Today I drove back home to my parent's and tommorrow I'll drive back to Osnabrueck to work on my next research paper.... *yay* :(