
Mar 17, 2009 16:09

This is going to be a pretty pathetic update, as I don't really have much to say.  But I'm updating!  +1 for me!

Spring break was far too short. :(  It doesn't even feel like I got a break.  Then again, I was working the entire week, but yeah.  On the plus side, I have nothing due this week.  A French quiz tomorrow, but that will be a joke.  Yay.  And hey, B on the paper I spent an all nighter on.  Considering I was half expecting a giant F I'm pretty satisfied.

On a side note, it's almost bikini season.  Bleeehhh.  That means time to shape up for reals.  I eat healthy but never have time to work out.  So that needs to change.  Workouts 30+ mins a day starting today.  Yay.  Goal: lose 10-15 lbs by the end of the semester.  Go team.
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