What I've REALLY Been Doing Lately...

Feb 10, 2011 19:03

I think that everyone in my RL has now heard, so I can finally post the news here. I've been MIA from here so often this year (and leaving very tiny posts when I do make it on) because my mind has been wrapped up in a lot of other things since July! As you may remember, I posted in the spring or last winter about how Jeff and I were going to start trying to get pregnant soon. We officially began this undertaking in July. We both very naively thought that we'd get it on the first round - or at least by the third. Each month, I got progressively sadder and discouraged as we continued to fail. I'll admit that I went nuts in about September (right around the time I disappeared from here). I became convinced that something was wrong with one of us and was very frustrated that I didn't have any friends I could turn to who would truly understand what I was feeling and experiencing. I found a fantastic group online for women who are trying to conceive and that turned things around for me. Suddenly I was surrounded by people who knew exactly how I felt and was no longer feeling so alone in the world. I invested lots of money in products to help urge things along and took the advice of many pregnant women on the forums.

Finally, after six months of failures, we finally did it!! On December 4th, I got my first positive pregnancy test! I am now wrapping up my 13th week, at the beginning of my second trimester. I've been feeling pretty good so that's been great. Jeff and I have been enjoying the last two weeks when we finally got to spread the news to everyone. We told our families early on (most of them knew by Christmas), but none of our friends were in the loop. I got to put the news in my Valentines. Anyway, I am due in mid-August. It's going to be a long, HOT summer, but I'm looking forward to it -- at least the end result. :)

I've been keeping a pregnancy blog at Blogger which contains pictures and video. It's By Invitation Only so if you'd like to be added to the list of readers, comment here with your e-mail address and I'll put you on the list.


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