If I know I'm addicted to these damn quizzes, why do I keep taking them??? Here's a few of the best from my latest round of quizzes. I have also determined that I am:
1. 50% left brained, 50% right
2. I am the famous kiss from the Princess Bride
3. In high school, I apparently was the arty kid -- which is news to me
4. I am 46% quirky and managed to fool others into thinking I'm just like them
5. I am a loyal sidekick
6. I am Aphrodite
7. I am 62% independent
8. I am 31% bitchy
9. I am 21% scary (when it comes to scaring off guys) -- but just the weak ones
10. I have a Type A personality
11. I am a pretty good liar ;-)
12. I am a practial gift giver
13. My life is worth $692,500
14. My cell phone ettiquete is 33% bad, 67% good
15. I am not a dumb American
16. I am 48% shy
What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You
You are very independent and self-centered. You don't solve other people's problems - and you don't expect them to solve yours.
Your idea of fashion is jeans and a t-shirt. Clean, if you're lucky.
You have the perfect blend of confidence and class. You're proud of who you are - but you don't broadcast it.
In relationships, you tend to be very romantic and demanding. You'll treat your partner like gold, but you expect a lot in return.
What Do Your Bathroom Habits Say About You? You're All Grown Up
Congratulations, you're living in the adult world now.
Even though it may have been difficult at first, you've taken responsibility in your life.
You have a great job, fantastic friends, and a grown up wardrobe.
And you're probably on your way to a very successful life!
Is it Time for You to Act Like a Woman? You'll Find Love Online
Dating in meatspace is way too complicated and time consuming for you
You rather find a ton of guys at the click of a button
So go on, and have some fun in your online dating adventure
Just make sure perfectguy@mrright.com is who he says he is
Where Will You Find Your Dream Guy? You've Experienced 36% of Life
You have the life experience of someone in their early 20s.
You've seen some of what life has to offer - but you have a long ways to go.
How Much Life Experience Do You Have?