high school friends

Mar 25, 2009 22:15

It is spring break and I am bored.

I am enjoying the boredom actually. I think that i would be less bored if I wasn't constantly waiting for my friends to "plan something". I am always at a complete loss that there has to be something "planned" where everyone we know must be involved. I just want to hang out. One on one. or in a small group. I don't understand the need to involve people that I don't hang out with (for good reason) in a small gathering. It is awkward not just because I feel like i have to act to be social and fun, but this time... I am playing host.

Juan calls me today:

"Hey, do you want to hang out tomorrow, vanessa has something at 4:30 so you want to hang out earlier."

"Sure, that sounds fun, what do you want to do"

"Well, Vanessa wants to eat and then probably something like a board game, but we need a place to play"

"Oh, well, you can come to my place and play"

"Oh good. So I'll just go and tell M and J and tell them to come to your place at blah blah blah time"


When did a party of 3 turn into a party of 5? And M and J? The only time I have ever hung out with them is around Juan and Vanessa. I feel like i am used for my house to be part of their group of friends. Probably because I don't like M very much.

High school friends are like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. they fit at one point in your life, but the picture has changed and forcing the pieces into the puzzle isn't the answer.

Things that  were small parts of personalities seem very very big now and annoy me. Its a lot like work to just hang out. I have this new theory: If its too hard to hang out with someone... it means that it isn't working.  "planning" to hang out shouldn't happen.

ugh. i done with this post.

Perhaps I just don't want to hang out as much as I wish I wanted to hang out.

brain ponder

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