Apr 24, 2008 19:06
If Tom wasn't my western civ teacher, I would have quit track 15 minutes ago and been done with it forever. But, he's giving me my grade so I can't yet.
I was willing to do the 2 mile for all the upcoming events, including today and last week (which I did). I hate this race and it's incredibly mentally stressful to me, but I was willing to do it (with no complaints) to get points for the team. But- he took me out of all the events that I enjoy (the mile and 800) and only put me in the 4x8 (he pretty much NEEDS me) and the 2 mile. (He put Taylor in the 800 instead of me and she wouldn't even run it so he had to scratch her and couldn't replace her).I was completely willing to run the 2 mile at all of the races, but why should I do something I hate so much for the team when I'm getting NOTHING back? Tom has treated me as if I was a leftover person/a freshman and that I'm worth nothing.
In my view, he's always treated me not quite fairly. I've gotten the highest grade in all the classes I've taken with him and yet he treats me as if I'm a much lower person. Every year, he always treats me as if I haven't been running track for all four years. He acts as if I didn't run freshman year at gateway and treats me as a novice in that respect. I have to remind him every year that I ran track at gateway.
I had my best times for everything at Gateway my freshman year. And.. in real life... aren't you supposed to improve since then? I went down the second I did track at Metro and have never gotten good again. Tom has never been a good coach- he rarely ever pays attention to the distance team. I respected my distance coach at Gateway- I came to track everyday almost and gave my all and did what they told me because I was receiving REAL coaching in return. I respected him because he respected me. I understand Tom does have to coach the rest of the team, but that does not mean he has to nearly ignore the distance team all of the time. I don't know how many times he's told us to "work on speed" despite the fact that we work on speed every day pretty much. Coach G gave us one plan one day and it was better in my opinion than any of Tom's. I don't believe I'm supposed to have WORSENED in track over the years rather than improved. I need a strict coach or no coach at all to work well. Rachel is competitive enough to improve on her own but if I'm in between being all alone and improving or having a great coach, I'm not competitive at all and it's extremely difficult for me to push myself.
I began recovering my running over the summer and I was doing a much faster mile at that time than now. My first cross country meet was my best time and then I declined as Tom continued to coach us.
I have always had problems with Tom. I don't believe that he is a good teacher or a good coach.
I apologize for complaining but I feel very strongly about this. I consider myself to be a fairly sensible person and I don't believe Tom has been fair to me in track. I do track during my free time and it's not necessary for me to do it at all. I understand I have complained to him before which was wrong, but I would never have done that if I believed I was getting treated properly. I understand I should have respected my elders and I have erred in this way, but I believe he is also in the wrong and that I don't have any reason to continue being treated incorrectly.
If he wasn't giving me my grade (I have the highest grade in the class- I'm the only person who gets A's on the tests), I would never do track again and I'm so frustrated that I can't quit right now.