
Dec 07, 2009 14:29

Thank you to everyone for the snowflakes and holiday cards/drawings/songs/well wishes.
You are all so amazing!

If you want, because I'm procrastinating studying for finals in such a loving/giving mood, leave a pairing* and prompt, and I'll write you a ~100 word drabble. Or just a pairing. Or just a prompt ( Read more... )

drabble, ilovemyflist

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ivesia19 December 7 2009, 20:07:08 UTC
Oh you and your OT3....

The whole thing was Audrey’s idea.

When they stop by Chicago, she peers out of the tiny window, pulling aside the deep red curtains blocking the sun, and says, “Lake Michigan has sailing, right?”

From the couch, Brendon hums - it could be a yes or no, Audrey hasn’t quite figured out what every little noise Brendon makes means, not like Ryan has - and he rests his head on Ryan’s shoulder, tired from a night of little sleep. Audrey grins at the memories.

“We could always ask someone,” Ryan says, and Audrey watches Ryan’s long fingers run through Brendon’s hair, and she thinks of sitting down on the other side, leaning against Ryan, too, but she stays at the window.

“Let’s just go down to the marina and try to find an empty boat,” she says, deciding for them.

It doesn’t take much to convince them. Audrey knows that Ryan is drawn in by the romanticism of it - the idea of wind and water and waves - and Brendon follows wherever Ryan and Audrey lead. Especially when they’re leading him together.

The boat that Audrey decides upon is old. The paint is cracking on the sides, and the bright, shining white boats all around seem to be preening by comparison. Still, she takes her shoes off on the wooden pier, and stumbles into the rundown boat, hands reaching out instinctively as the sides shift and rock in the water.

Two hands, different in many ways, but so, so warm, grab a hold of her and keep her steady.

“We’ve got you,” Brendon says, and Audrey steadies herself, safe in their grip.


takkatakkatakka December 7 2009, 20:10:52 UTC

No, it's okay, I am content with what I have. You possibly made me love this ot3 even more than i already do though, Brendon follows wherever Ryan and Audrey lead, oh god oh god. this is fucking brilliant, thank you!!


ivesia19 December 7 2009, 20:34:13 UTC
You know, they're kinda growing on me :D


takkatakkatakka December 7 2009, 22:24:53 UTC
like a tumor?

ps: you have no idea how happy this makes me (maybe you should write a little more and see how it goes for you)


ms_deathbat December 11 2009, 05:37:39 UTC
*raises hand for more of this*
if you feel like writing it, that is

my otp will always be rydon, but the OT3 thing with one of the girls is kind of growing on me, too.

i especially love this, it's adorable! ;DDD


ivesia19 December 12 2009, 19:38:29 UTC
As long as the ryden prevails in the end, I'm good with a little guest star action :D


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