Oct 04, 2004 09:11
I can't even believe it... the BIGGEST nerd I've ever seen-- complete with a rollaway back pack and everything just tried to intimidate me. I didn't think it was possible... seriously BIGGEST NERD EVER. And, he told me that he had been waiting for a computer longer than me (big lie and I wanna go sock him in the face cuz I'm just that kind of independent woman) so then he rolled his back pack right up to the computer I had been waiting for... LOSER I just can't emphasize it enough. He's a pimple on this earth and he needs to be squashed! I think thats enough bashing at this time.
So Amr was supposed to come visit me at school today... he didn't. What a shock, does he ever do the things he says he's gonna do? Not bloodly likely. He said he's coming over tonight cuz we haven't seen each other lately... I think thats code for "I have to pick Adam up from work at 10 anyways, so I guess I could spend 30 minutes with you" cuz my life is bullshit anyways so why not listen to a few bullshit excuses along the way? Oh, cuz Amr's can be excessive??? this I know.
I had a paper due today... too bad I didn't do it. I'm really confused on the assignment and that is NO LIE! It's like a film critique I think? I can't really tell but I don't seem to be doing so well on anything lately. I can't even do a good job in speech! I think I shed a few pounds, and surprisingly with that, went a lot of my self-esteem.
I lied, I have to say more shit about the rollaway back pack asshole. He hits the key board REALLY hard and its really annoying. I can hear how loud it is from like 20 feet away... no one else really seems bothered by it, but I find him extremely irritating... as if he doesn't sit at home on the internet all day and all night cuz thats what losers like him do. Very apparent that there is no girlfriend in his life... no one could tolerate someone as disgusting as him... not to mention irriating and annoying.
Anyways, I'm kinda crushing big time on someone from high school... how weird is that? I need help. I like really really like him... and Linz, only you would understand the situation. We need to talk PRONTO. I'm a dumb dumb girl... HELP!
Sarah was supposed to go to the gym with me last night... big surprise that she ditched me and didn't even call. I went by myself and it felt good to work out and all, but I don't understand what her issue is with calling and letting me know whats going on. It pisses me the fuck off. You're not gonna be there, call me... but don't stand me up and even more so, don't stand me up for a guy from www.myspace.com. This myspace shit is out of control in a whole lot of people and its rather sad and pathetic. Grrr... I'm mad.