*cough* *cough*

Nov 16, 2008 11:39

Ugh, god. Those stupid California wildfires were so freaking close to us yesterday. Actually, they still are today, but the wind's died down quite a bit so it isn't nearly as bad. I live over in Placenita, which was only a couple miles away from the Yorba Linda fires. As you can guess, it was really hard to breathe yesterday and I couldn't go out most of the day. We were actually on stand by for evacuation, which worried me, but in the end we didn't have to, so that's a relief.

Anyways, it did get me wondering. Somehow I always think "global warming" whenever one of these things happen XD But I heard that this time it was actually a crime scene scenario. Apparently some of the fires were started by some idiot right IN THE FREAKING MIDDLE OF THE SANTA ANA WINDS. ARGH, whoever it was I wanna bash their freaking face in. >_>
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