Apr 09, 2003 20:12
*hello.. how is everyone tonight?
*today was an ok day i suppose.. my first day back in school since friday.. i felt 1/2 dead all day.. must have been the medication.. hah.. independent study was pretty alright.. psychology was retarded.. i still have to take that test in there.. and i have yet to study.. but it doesnt matter? i shall fail.. much like i failed my test in theatre and film today.. blahh.. Othello.. what a play.. i guess.. hah.. Art class was annoying.. the only person my age in there is jon majeski, not a very sociable character.. and beth on occasion when she feels like socializing.. so yeah.. after school i had to work.. it went alright.. nick was in a good mood for once.. he was called into work for me lastnight.. eh.. but he didnt seem to care.. he had a smile on his face.. hah im guessing its because megan and lisa were not working. Trayline got done at 5:15 and jen and i had the pots and pans washed and the floors done my 6:30.. it was great. After work i attempted yet again to photograph that cute church in shiremans town.. it was indeed a sucess, so yay for that.. and for now im off.. have a wonderful night!!