Excuse me if I giggle...

Feb 05, 2007 16:20

Forgive me for being a hopelessly moonstruck fool, but...
If I had any doubt that the lady mentioned in my previous post was for me, its gone now. On the weekend, specifically Friday, we ran into eachother three times. I was just on my way to the college to buy books but before that I figured I'd stop for some food. So I park. Right next to her. I get out of my car and we're both there with that "How random!" look on our faces. We proceed to discuss various places that we enjoy eating at (And how we both go to Khol's to shop between classes). But it doesn't end there, eventually I left and headed to the campus to go to the bookstore. Of course the bookstore is closed, I mean why would they be open when people need books? Whatever, I'm walking back to my car and out of nowhere there she is again. She opens up with a quick "I'm following you, obviously!" and informs that she's at the campus because she needed to make photocopies of something. I rant about crappy bookstore hours and how I needed to purchase my Algebra book for a quiz on Monday. Then she reminds me that the library might have a copy, so we say goodbye and I head off to the library. It was closed, in fact it closed while we were talking. I leave in the direction of my car and bam, we run into eachother again. This is not a small campus. And that's three times bumping into eachother in one single day, not to mention a day that both of us had off. And for the topper, we were wearing the same outfit today in class - now that's a sign. It was almost like a preview. Okay, not the same outfit obviously, but we both had low collared black shortsleeve shirts, she had black boots and a long jean skirt, and I had black shoes with my blue jeans. Its like we subconsciously coordinated this. Anyways, it made for much amusement in our conversation after class. Its quite possible that we'll be having lunch later this week sometime.

Oh, I forgot, it was windy today. High, dry, and warm wind. Maybe its just me, but after standing out in that kind of wind I just feel dirty. And washing my hands/arms/face doesn't get rid of the feeling, it just sticks around until I take a shower. Anyone else feel like that?

For more random information, the taste of tomatoes has finally grown on me. I decided to try a new Subway sandwich, instead of my regular Trio, and since it came with tomatoes I figured "Why not?". Much to my surprise and delight, I've found that tomatoes actually can add to a sandwich. Its so odd, I mean what's next, enjoying pickles in my hamburgers? We'll find out.
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