Oct 12, 2006 10:47
My computer died. I had a hard drive error. BAM (No literally, it made that sound), critical Windows system file corrupted (Hardware issue Kevin, not 'cause its a PC), computer won't boot up for me. I don't actually own a Windows CD because I was using my dad's corporate edition so until he brings it up... technically my life has shut down. Well, not really, but now I actually have to find things to do in my spare time. No internet, no games, no music, blah. Also, I need to salvage what's left to get all my bookmarks and user settings back. I shudder thinking about trying to find all my bookmarks again from scratch... as well as all the passwords I have saved for my various websites. It took me like 30 minutes to figure out my LJ password (I guess I shouldn't rely on the auto-fill too much in the future, hah!). Though I am crafty, all my media is on a USB hard drive.
Anyways, don't expect too much posting from me until I get a new hard drive and the XP Corp CD.
Also, I just watched Ella Enchanted on TV today. Its was a good movie, I don't see why everyone I know gives it a bad rap (Is that the word?).