May 19, 2006 09:00
Today is Friday. Im sooo excited because I am suppossed to hang out with Benjerman tonight for our aniversary. But then again... I am also supposed to han gout with nichole kangas and Lindsay Barrett and go out to ann arbor tonight. Which shall be fun. Doing a little bit of shopping. haha...(not)
BUt yeah.
I miss him.
I guess he might be moving to Alaska for a year at the end of the summer. Just thinking about it makes my throat close up. I can feel my heart beating my my fingertips. Aghhhh! It sucks... I hope he doesnt go! Atleast not a year!!!!!!!!!
god. I hate stupid shit like this.
I have a bad feeling about it.
Sigh. But tonight should be fun. And I hope we end up being able to hang out. If my mom is a bitch about it.... Ill punch her.
sigh.... Anyways, Saterday Im supposed to hang out with cindee. Which will be a ton of fun.
Dance off?
I am about to start working out all the time. Me and my cousin, who is also my bestest friend ever, ericka, are going to be running at hines and eating right, and we are going to be each others motovation and personal trainers. haha Im gonna be sexxxxy!
hmmm... lifes been going good.
Lets see....
whathave I done lately? Last weekend I.....
Went to Prom!!!! Omg It was amazing! I went with Ben of course and we had so much fun. Theplace it was at was beautiful. I loved it. After prom we went over to Jeff ryans house and hung out for a while but I had to leave by two so I had to go home, but Ben was having a good time so I let him stay (lol) I guess some frineds of his showed up there who he knew from his old school. It was cute. lol
He was all excited. haha.
Then I went out to breakfist the nest morning with my parents and my sister and Lucas and then I babysat Lucas. It was my little cousins birthday and we went out to my aunt Janes house for dinner. It was fun.
I spent the night at Jessica Singhs Sunday night. I talked to Ben for like the whole day pretty much. I plannedon skipping school to comeand see him the next day. (monday)
Monday was the best day ever. Let me just say. me and jessica got picked up from bens at about 4: 30 and went and got ice cream with her grandama then went back to Jessicas... My mompicked me up at like 10. I am IN LOVE!!!!! ben is sooo cute. omg. anyways.
Tuesday I went to school but left after 3rd hour with Jamie Mooore. (Ive been talking to her a lot more lately which Im happy about.) We went back to her house and ate lunch and surfed the webthen came back for 5th hour.
Then I went to my drum lasson after school and dont remember what I didn after that.
Wednesday I just went to school... oh hahah... but Jake smith drew a beard and mustach and uni-brow on my face in 4th hour.. I wore it the rest of the day. Then I went to Jessicas and went to the soccer game. It was cold. Then I went home and Michel came over to get his hairs cut. Then we played the drums, listened to music, hung out with Lucas and then went to up to franks diner where I stabbed my self in the back with a very sharp pencil as I sat down. It kills.
Ive got a big hole in my back now.
Then Kevin Stalk and Brian Rodgers met us up there and we listened to some tunes and then kevin drove me home.
Thursday... was last night and Bernie droveme home from school so she could get her eyebrows done by my mom. After she left I went to sleep and then my mom woke me up so I could go to drumline. I got some McDonalds. (which I now regret) and played some sweet beats for 3 hours. Jade Werth drove me home... haha me and lelenad fought over shotty. I won by rule of rock paper scissors. haha. My rock beat his scissors. lol
when I got home last night my brother, Miles, was there. I guess hes outta jail. he has a funny little mustache now. Its like a motorcycle guys. and its red... and he has extremely blonde hair. Its great.
Well anyways.... then I talked Nichole about friday.
Talked to Jamie about life. and boy issues.
Called schuyler and talked about this summer and his graduation. I love that kid. Seriously. He is my bestfriend. I cant wait to see him this summer. Cali here we come. lol We might either go to chicago, on a cruise from new york to london, england... or I go there or he comes here.... or ....We both meet up in Cali over the fourth of July.
Then I talked to Ericka about working out and about concerts this summer and we are going to kick off our plan on Memorial Day.
That was my week so far.
Same girl.
Same crazy hectic lifestyle.
Same place.
Still Kicking it since 1989!
Love from the underground.
<3 The Jam-Mastah Jones