(no subject)

May 12, 2008 06:54

so i kinda gave up coffee and switched to tea for a while. coffee had lost all of its flavor when i was drinking entire 12-cup pots twice a day to get through homework and not doing homework all in one day, so i changed my ways, ditched the java for green tea, and it was great. well, last night i realized my exams start in 10 hours and decided to make myself a pot of it to get this college cornerstone started off right! i'm an idiot and drank the whole pot of straight, black coffee. i was up until 3am, and then i woke up at 6.30am, wide the hell awake. i have an exam at 8, so i'm appreciative for the extra study time. however, i am anticipating a crash after this spanish final. luckily, i can accommodate that.

i move home in 2 days, the day after tomorrow. my insides feel like they're filled with small children in footy pajamas, tiptoeing around like it's christmas morning. little do they know that this is probably bigger than any christmas we have ever known.
my room's 85% of the way packed. i've been wearing the same clothes since saturday. my brain's a mess of i leave soon and a whole semester's worth of homework and projects. and soon, freedom. truly, being me lately, anytime in the past year, at any, single point in time is an adventure, a short story, a lapse in time that feels like a still frame worth remembering. i'm grateful for that.
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