Get The Table!!

Nov 12, 2005 01:58

Wiq, Trick, AFunk, anE and I went to the WFA thing at the legion tonight. There were all kinds of wrestlers: rockers, metros, mexicanos, bad asses, tag teams, bad ass bitches, and all kinds of crazy stuff.

The first few matches were alright, but the longer it went on the better they got. I saw DDTs, neck breakers arm bars, a moonsault, people flyin out of the ring, elbows, off the top ropes, a table, chairs, a battle royal, a ladder, blood, and everything that makes wrestling great...except for one thing...more on that.

The main event was a lot of fun to watch. It started down one of the aisles and then crashed through the merch. table, around the ring, over ropes, everything...but it ended on a good note:one of them going through a table. After it was over all the bad guys jumped Brian Fury and Eddie came out to save the day.

The announcer guy was pissed that Mofo and his goons were always jumping in and ruining there's going to be (remember that one thing that was missing?) a tag team cage match!! Dec 9th..gonna be fun. :)

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