Thank God its Friday!

Mar 09, 2007 12:20

Ahhhhh i am so glad its Friday!

This week has been so full on - so much uni work to do and its only the second week! *sigh* But i guess thats the way it is being in my second year and all..but seriously 10 hours of reading just sucks big time!! I am now feeling quite sick. Last night i got like no sleep at all cause my mind was like heyyy lets just never be quiet! Dont you hate that? It makes me wish i had a pensieve like Dumbledore....god rest his soul. So today i am relaxing and reading Eragon, drinking tea and listening to the lord of the rings soundtrack - tis a most beautious album! very relaxing. Anywho tomorrow im going to get a job at Civic Video! i say this because my sister used to work there and i am almost guaranteed a job there as they are desperate and i know them oh too well. Its just the pay is so bad but right now im like ahhhh must have money to survive! And I also get free rentals so thats a plus i guess!! i also have only 1 hour and 45 minutes left til i get my liscence so yayyyy! but im so scared of driving by myself i dnt want to crashhh :S eek!

Anyhow i think i shall flee and fall into a deep slumber before i babysit my 2 year old brother this evening!
byeeee :)
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