Oct 26, 2006 15:35
life is great. i got some nice comfortable new boxers :) and a huge silver/aluminum(?)and copper bottom pan. im excited about it. i love to cook, and iv been using the same pan for years and have secretly grown to despise it. im sure i have munched the non-stick coating completely off of it several times over by now. got off a few hours early. and i have the next 4 days off. i need to lay off the chocolate milk. still conquering the cigarettes and that doesnt look to ever be a problem again. i think i found a buyer for my synth. iv been slowly getting closer to my family. which is nice. constantly steering my life towards the positive i have talked about. changing who i am really. thats one of the beautiful things about life and the human mind. the ability to change ourselves and learn constantly, there really is no end to the things we can learn and experience. this life, this consciousness, is truly a gift.
i have a set of chris madden/jc penney black bath towels that are pretty nice and new, and i will be getting rid of them pretty soon. there are three. they are pretty fluffy and large. if you could use them let me know and someone can have them after this weekend.