Nov 02, 2009 20:51
i am in love with my wonderful wife jessica. she has very kissable cheekies, soft parts under her arms where the skin meets her armpits, a little dimple on her chin which is the target of so many past and future smooches, and very ticklish toes which make her squirmish when i place my fingers between them. we like to lay in bed, swallowing each others breath, and staring into the other's eyes and holding hands until we begin to doze and snore.
i had never been in love nor known what love could be until she entered my life with her dimpled smiles, perpetual kisses, and henna locks splayed across our pillow sheets. i get excited when i get home and she is there to kiss and hug me, and talk and joke about our day and all the ridiculous and fabulous things we see, and can't wait to tell the other.
she has changed my life, and i am glad. nothing will ever be the same again, and i hope they continue just as they are with her loving smile hovering over everything i do, and every moment of my life.
i love you, cheeky! <3.