Nov 13, 2019 04:13

ASD(HD&ASA)  Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs

ASD(NII)  Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/ Officer

ASD(PA)   Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

ASDSO   Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/

CNGB   Chief, National Guard Bureau

DHS   Department of Homeland Security

DISA  Director, Defense Information Systems Agency

DoD CIO  DoD Chief Information

DoD ExecSec  DoD Executive Secretary

DoDD   Department of Defense Directive

EA   Executive Agent

EDD   explosive detection dogs

EOD   explosive ordnance disposal

LIC&IC  Low-Intensity Conflict and Interdependent  Capabilities

MWD   military working dog

NSSE   National Special Security Event

OPR   office of primary responsibility

SecAF   Secretary of the Air Force

U.S.C.   United States Code

USD(C)/CFO  Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief  Financial Officer

USD(I)   Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

USD(P)   Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

USD(P&R)   Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

USNORTHCOM  United States Northern Command

USSS   United States Secret Service

WHMO   White House Military Office 


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