интересует меня. Это касается политической ситуации в совсем другой стране и в другое время, это совсем не касающаяся никого история, прошлая и давняя. К которой можно испытывать, конечно, только теоретический интерес, сами понимаете. Отстраненный. Как к деталям Большого взрыва - ну да, было, но это ж когда было... Впрочем, говорят, можно сказать и
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Лео Штраус, Persecution and the Art of Writing сейчас стали вспоминать.
We can easily imagine that a historian living in a totalitarian country, a generally respected and unsuspected member of the only party in existence, might be led by his investigations to doubt the soundness of the government-sponsored interpretation of the history of religion. Nobody would prevent him from publishing a passionate attack on what he would call the liberal view. He would of course have to state the liberal view before attacking it; he would make that statement in the quiet, unspectacular, and somewhat boring manner which would seem natural; he would use many technical terms, give many quotations and attach undue importance to insignificant details. . . . Only when he reached the core of the argument would he write three or four sentences in that terse and lively style which is apt to arrest the attention of young men who love to think. . . . His reasonable young reader would for the first time catch a glimpse of the forbidden fruit. The attack, the bulk of the book, would consist of virulent expansions of the most virulent utterances in the holy book or books of the ruling party.
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