Yesterday Mai Dong sent me an email to say my Service Registry request could not be processed. I sent an email asking Mai Dong for some clarification.
This afternoon another email arrived from Mai Dong saying she couldn't answer my query because she was sick and that I should speak to her co-worker Justin Kok.
So I ring Justin Kok and I mention the email from Mai Dong but I have trouble hearing Justin Kok due to everyone around me laughing so much. Not that it matters because Justin Kok clearly has no idea how to answer my query.
Alhough I can't confirm that Mai Dong's middle name is Long, I can confirm that these are real names of real people in the same team at our head office at Canberra.
Next week I have been asked to sit in on a phone conference organised by Pavithran Vuppalapati, who has been ringing me all week with dumb questions. He's even dumber than Zaid Asfour, who he seems to have replaced. If it hadn't been for their co-worker Nader Hosseini-Sianaki I don't think they would have made half as much progress.
What do all these people have in common? They all work in Canberra, they're all employees of Accenture (our partner) and they're all straight out of Uni or straight off the boat.
Thank God this time around I'm only a contractor at
. I can tell you now that their $450 million Change Program is going to hell in a handbasket.