Boris Ivanovic has the Reigns.

Aug 16, 2016 13:16

The planet of the Apes.

One could say that the baffoon of the British establishment now has his moment of truth, but I think that despite all the negatives that can be said about Boris Johnston He is perhaps more of a future leader than meets the eye at this time? All politicians have their antics, if not sleeping around, abusing children or acting the clown, there comes a time to train them to fit their place in government.

Britain has a history of odd-balls is leadership and yet the unlikely as Winston Churchill came into office at the right time to deal with the maniac Hitler and the under estimated field boy Stalin. One thinks if there is a disaster this week Boris will be able to act until the Pm gets back on a two hour flight from Switzerland?

odd, moment, johnston, ivanovich, sleeping, abusers, child, hitler, maniac, boris, planet, sex, reigns, training, apes, churchill, leaders, babboons, may, stalin, teresa, switzerland, balls

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