'Out of Africa. Part-Two.

Oct 07, 2014 15:52

From Aids to Ebola.

'Lets blame the blackman for his sins, his diseases and not worry to much until it is an epidemic and is on our own doorstep? That has perhaps been the long time attitude of the white world, but this should not continue to be the case.

Ebola was Marburg in its days of origins and Aids also had a original name, which I cannot remember. Aids was alledged to have come from the monkeys just as Marburg/Ebola and it was an African problem. The truth was it was white people having sex with monkeys and the disease was already at work in bi and homosexuals.

Today Africa as a continent of many countries and thousands of racial groups is criticised for up holding the Bible and Koran laws on same sex and animal human sexual relationships.

Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 18:23, 20:15-16, Deuteronomy 27:21

ebola, blacks, marburg, relationships, africa, bi-sexuals, aids, eating, same sex, sex, laws, koran, bible

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