Mar 02, 2005 23:37
Dear Journal,
How are you? I'm good, thanks. Well Mr. Journal, some things/people have really been startarting to get on my nerves, but that's how life goes. You know that though, Mr. Journal. You've seem more teen angst in the last week than I have or ever will have in my life. I really dislike the trendy people. They're dumb. Do you know what?! I hate school. Well it's a mix of the people and the work, but it's still a part of school. Oh well, I'm almost done. Who wants some cookies?!
Back to reality...
I saw the movie Hitch last night with a friend, Rod. He's a cool guy that helps out with the high school youth group at church. We went to Taco Time, then the mall (he wanted to see if some chick was working), and then the movie. We had quite a fun time talking about a lot of things, mainly the laidies. Because well, I am freakin hot, and well I could get a lot of them...I am wayyyy too self-centered sometimes. Maybe one day I'll be shot down and put in my place...oh wait! I have been shot down AND put in my place many times...that's why I don't care what anyone thinks of me, or if I get rejected, because it happens even to the best of us.
I get to teach PhotoShop to my 3rd hour class tomorrow!
As you (Mr. Journal and everyone else who reads this crap) know, I love Photoshop, BUT what I do isn't usually fit for a school newspaper. It is mostly abstract digital art, but I am getting into the photomanipulation hardcore now. So I hope everything goes well.
I do declare this is one of the longest enteries I have ever done. OMG My frend miek and me r tryeing 2 getting bestest at grammar and propur spellings. We is doeing a well job this farr.
Meh think I'll go to bed now...I'll update again sometime.
"Fuck the Millenium"
Here Is The Force.
I'm The Candyman.
Also known as Dave, Dave From Sheffield.
Furthermore known as the Screaming Lord.
But you can call me Ice... Ice, Ice, baby.
The Next, The Next Attack.
The Next, The Next Attack, Get Prepared.
To The Next Next, The Next Attack, Get Prepared, To The Next Next, The Next Attack...
This is the liberation.
This is the liberation.
I wanna Fuck, I wanna fuck, I wanna fuck, I WANNA FUCK!
To the beat now!
Staying on the edge! Ha!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
Here we go again!
I Wanna Fuck... I Wanna Fuck... I Wanna Fuck...
To the beat now!!!
Is everybody got their breath back?!!
Just keep it movin'. Yeah!
Once again we're gonna Partyyy!!!
Here we go now!
Once again we're gonna Partyyy!!!
Gothic Doesn't Exist!!!
Thank You...!