Jan 20, 2007 09:28
iTunes, how can I put this politely? Go suck a dick! Why is it that you can put music on to my iPod but are not able to do the opposite? I was forced to rely on a bit of third-party software and would you like to know where that got me? I'm now missing many of my favorite songs and albums. I'm just glad Senuti was attentive enough to remember to transfer the two Kaizers Orchersta albums that took me months to find. I know you probably don't offer such a feature becuase you're afraid of being hunted down by the RIAA. But what if somebody had all of their music on one hard disk and their iPod. It would be quite unfortunate for them if that hard disk failed and a third-party app threshed their library as it did to mine. I now only have two tracks from The Bonzo Dogs and I'm not always in the mood for Hunting Tigers Out In Indiah!
Now I know that some of the music that I lost I didn't own and I don't have any right to complain about losing it but what about the music I legitimately own. (This of course being a matter highly arguable by the RIAA what with them wanting consumers to purchase a copy for every medium possible.) I really don't want to take the time to import those albums again. Yes, I do often have a lot of spare time on my hands but that doesn't mean that I would desire to fill that time converting my music library.
Of course I'm still hopeful that somewhere tucked away amongst the 1's and 0's my missing tracks are still to be found. I plan to buy a new hard drive some time in the very near furture to 1) transfer all the music files that I do have 2) delete the files that have then been copied and then 3) rummage the debris to see if there's anything salvagable amongst the Exxon Valdez that is now my digital music library.
EDIT: This reminds me; some time soon I will be talking about the iPhone.