Написал еще одну колонку для RussianMind про старое доброе ультранасилие:
Of course, “the Wall” is only a small part in the extensive esplanade development: it is supposed that the new public gardens will be found here and that the granite tile will be replaced. The disgusting soviet fountain (that stands in the center of the square in front of the Theatre), polluted by bottles and garbage, in which drunken “permyaks” in spite of all these circumstances like to have a refreshing dip, will also be under reconstruction.
В тексте речь идет о прекрасной гигантской стене, которую скоро (я надеюсь) построят в центре Перми.
К сожалению, лучшая часть колонки - цитата из трудов знаменитого художника Антона Семакина. Вот эта: «“Permyaks” painted, peed, thrown up, deformed and broke 800-tonned cube made of cast iron and installed on the esplanade for townspeople entertainment».
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