So...I could kind of see Water and Wind at some points, but I really do think Holy is probably a really awesome fit for you! For starters, you sound *really* White Mage-esque here...and Holy is the element that is most associated with White Magic! It can be used for Cure-type spells, so when you mentioned that "I'll try to use humor to cheer people up or diffuse really tense situations" I sort of instantly saw it. You'd take the diplomatic approach, but can be blunt when necessary: while Holy offers restorative spells, it also has quite a couple powerful offensive ones. The Holy element is cooperative, more free-form, even-tempered (but has just enough offensive moves to be capable of volatile moments!), idealistic with some realistic tendencies (since it *is* healing people!). Heck, your reasoning behind picking Spring pretty much fits with Holy too! XD
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