Independent Petroleum Association of America

Aug 29, 2013 09:00

Through boom and bust, IPAA has been on the front lines in support of America’s independent oil and natural gas producers. Founded in the summer of 1929 by a small group of determined independents, IPAA has grown to an organization of many thousands today.

Independent producers were in bad shape in 1929 and facing even more troubled times ahead. The government was encouraging oil imports. American oil reserves were plentiful, yet suspicion prevailed among federal policy makers that the United States was soon to run out of petroleum.

IPAA has developed these fact sheets to provide straightforward explanations of IPAA’s position on key national energy policy issues. They are organized by category as listed below, or can be searched utilizing our search function above.

США, нефтяные компании прочие, нефть сланцевая, налоги, газ сланцевый, нефтяные компании

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