Нефтегазовая компания Ruspetro

Aug 08, 2015 09:00

Из России уехали сразу несколько коллег и партнеров Чубайса
Андрей Раппопорт, президент школы «Сколково», также уехал из страны и в скором времени не планирует возвращаться, рассказали РБК несколько источников из окружения бизнесмена. В пресс-службе бизнес-школы «Сколково» отсутствие президента в России объяснили плановым отпуском. В 2011 году Раппопорт был первым зампредседом «Роснано».

Бизнесмен входит в сотню богатейших бизнесменов рейтинга Forbes, занимая 80-е место с состоянием $1,1 млрд. Основной актив Раппопорта - нефтегазовая компания Ruspetro.

RusPetro plc (LSE: RPO) is an independent oil and gas producer operating in the central portion of the Krasnoleninsk field in Western Siberia. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange

The company was founded by Vladimir Marchenk in Cyprus in 2007 and was subsequently known as Petroltech Holdings until June 2011 when it became RusPetro Holdings. It made its Initial Public Offering in January 2012.
The company has recently completed a well in the Krasnoleninsk field producing 700 barrels of oil per day; an additional well is now being drilled (2012)
The company is 29% owned by management and 48% by Limolines (which is half owned by Andrey Likhachev, chairman of tycoon Oleg Deripaska's power unit EuroSibEnergo and half owned by investment fund Altera Capital). (2012)

Ruspetro has a proved plus probable (2P) reserve base of over 1.7 billion barrels of oil and condensate and 1.5 billion cubic feet of sales gas. Proved reserves stand at 207 million barrels of oil and condensate and 308 billion cubic feet of sales gas.

DeGolyer and MacNaughton (D&M), our reserves' auditor, has recently completed their competent person’s report dated 30 June 2014. Proved reserves increased 16% to 258 mmboe from 225 million barrels of oil equivalent ('mmboe') as of 31 December 2013. First half 2014 proved plus probable reserves are estimated at 2.0 boe.

Presentations and reports

Ruspetro’s field of 1,205km2 is in the west Siberian basin on an oil bearing structure known as the Krasnoleninsky Arch. This is situated in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, also known as Yugra, in west Siberian Russia. The capital of the region is Khanty-Mansiysk which is about 160km from the field.

The field is bordered to the east by Rosneft’s West Kammenoe license development, to the west by Rosneft’s Talinskoe field and the north by Rosneft’s Em-Yegovskoe field and Gazpromneft’s Polyanovskoe field. Surgutneftegaz, Lukoil and Gazpromneft all have significant oil and gas operations in the region.

The Khanty-Mansisysk to Nyagan federal highway crosses the field and it is only a short drive from the highway to the town of Tallinsky where our field office is situated. From Tallinsky the field can be accessed on Ruspetro’s in-field roads.

The field is situated near the river Ob affording barge transportation towards the Arctic Ocean into which the Ob flows. The federal railway network can be accessed to the north of the field.

Ruspetro has its own custody transfer station on the Transneft pipeline 27km to the north of our central processing facility. Our crude is transported to this metering point via our own pipeline.

The main reservoirs within the license blocks are the sandstones and siltstones found in the Abalak formation (Upper Jurassic) and the Tyumen Formation (Lower and Middle Jurassic). We have divided the reservoirs into UK1, UK2-8, UK9 and UK10-11 zones for field development purposes. The UK1 zone refers to the Abalak formation while the UK2 to UK11 zones correspond to successively deeper stratigraphic levels in the Tyumen Formation. The intervals that have the largest in-place volumes are the UK2-8 and the UK10-11 zones and these are the two main producing intervals on the license


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