Nov 30, 2012 15:20
it's been a really loooooong time since when i last updated my LJ with a proper entry. life is getting in the way too much. yes, i passed my university entrance exam and now i am a full-fledged student of Hanoi University of Foreign Languages (ハノイ大学). i've been studying Japanese by myself for over a year. it has been fun, learning bits by bits through shows and music but learning from professions has its advantages. there are sooo many things i didn't notice when i first started by myself. like how i always pronounce the し incorrectly or write the 紙 less a stroke.
unfortunately, i haven't fully realised the joy of a college student yet.
actually, i have been really out of it lately. i'm just kind of bored with everything. i've always thought that i would be full of energy and actively participate in every events but in reality, now, i just want to sit outside, go to class and go straight home. i have made myself a couple of friends in the class but i miss my high school friends dearly. i'm regularly meeting up with a girl from my high school class now just to reminiscence about the good old days. there are mostly girls in my class and only one guy. they are kinda funny, upbeat people and though i am not a calm and silence person at all - in fact, i can get really noisy if i'm in the mood, which i am always when i'm with my friends - i can't share the joy with them at all. my high school friends are funny in a crazy way. all the gigs we pulled were extremely stupid and humiliating and we always created chaos everywhere we went. when we were getting near to the graduation day, there was this one girl who decided that she would impress the whole school with a new hairstyle. she had shoulder-length hair so she pulled all the hair in a pony-tail but instead of tightening it behind, she tightened the hair on top of her head with many colourful rubber ribbons. by doing that, she had a "hair-stick" of about 20 cms on top of her had which made she look quite chic, i admit. then she took it upon herself to send invitations to all of our teachers to come to our little graduation party. and you can only imagine all kind of shocking faces i didn't think our teachers could make upon seeing her chic hairstyle.
i still update Arashi news regularly. i'm patiently waiting for their 15th anniversary since that will be the first time i spend a major anniversary as a fan. i actually haven't watched Lucky7 yet so i'm waiting for the SP to come out and i will watch it all in one go. get myself a full day of Jun will be pretty dangerous but a good danger, i think.
sometimes when i see a 2008 picture of Arashi, i still get strange feeling. it's like i regret at that time i didn't know them so i couldn't grasp the Arashi of 2008 and before however hard i try. and i did try really hard. i dig every single piece of shows, clips, interviews, radio shows, jwebs, fan accounts... of Arashi in that particular year. i don't know why i'm so obsessed with 2008's Arashi that much but i just do, naturally. it's like that was the last time we got to see a not-quite-big-yet Arashi, before 2009 came and changed everything. it's not that i don't like Arashi nowadays. i really do. i enjoy shiyagare, vsa, all the hna concepts except Mannequin Five with only two Arashi members (it's not M5 if only 2 Arashi are in it for me). but everything labelled 2008 had its own special places in me. AAA08 is still the most beautifully perfectly filmed concert in Kokuritsu. oh i love Aoroza Pedal performance sooo much it really hurts that i couldn't attend the concert myself. and Sirius and that Still's performance is all kind of perfection, from the little smile Sho made when he sang the いつか笑ってまた再会 そう絶対 line to the way Nino hit his hand on the cage in a very passionate way and sang たぶんあの時僕らは歩き出したんだ 互いに違う道を and the moment Jun held his hand in front of his heart and sang with his eyes closed. and Hello Goodbye will always be my favourite Aiba's solo because of that playful outfit, that moment of him with a harmonica. in only a short span of about 10 secs, i see Aiba let his true self apparent the most: not trying too hard to be cheerful or put up a serious front, he was just simple and easy-going and passionate and cheerful like the sound of his harmonica. not goofily jumping around, not wearing a lighted-up jacket, not trying to be cool, Aiba was cool in his own way by only standing still, putting his heart in blowing out such a beautiful melody. maybe he was thinking of when he still could play saxophone because while Aiba was really cheerful and smiley performing that song, i couldn't let myself forget that Hello Goodbye is actually a sad song about separation.
winter is coming to Hanoi. i love this city soo much. even though i am not a fan of winter myself but i have to admit that Hanoi is most beautiful when winter graces. so i will put up with the cold, the chapped lips, the dry skin so i can see Hanoi show off all of hers beauty: small, old, dusty, noisy but so tranquil, quiet and serenity.
i kind of want to take up photography. i don't know but i want to take pictures of things around me even though i may not be good at this. i just really want to try.