Jan 18, 2007 15:27

Taken from this survey.

What's the worst thing someone could do?
*silent for a moment* To betray something good, knowingly and willingly, and be glad of it. And not repent of it at all, but be willing to do it again.
What's the worst thing someone could do to you?
Hurt my family or my country. Either country, I suppose.
What's the worst thing that could happen to you?
To me?

To not be forgiven.
What's the worst thing someone could say about a person?
That he was worthless. [You will notice the default pronoun. That's mostly the 1940s talking.]
What's the best thing someone could say about a person?
That he was a true friend and a good person to the best of his ability.

Are men and women basically different?
Er. Well, physically, of course they are. Spiritually, or whatever you want to call it, no, I shouldn't think so.
Which is better, to be a woman or to be a man?
Better? Lord, I don't know. I don't think there is a better. It's what one is.
What can men do that women can't do?
We're stronger, and usually better at fighting. Not always, I know, but in general.
What can women do that men can't do?
Bear a child.
Is it possible to change genders?
...Er. Physically, you mean? Well, I suppose in some world it might be, with magic or technology or what have you, but I don't see why one would want to.

How old is old enough to have sex?
[The narration would like to note that Edmund goes bright red at this question, and remains more or less that color through this entire section.] Er. I don't... 16 is the legal age, isn't it, or something like that? It seems awfully young. Old enough to know oneself and know one means it, I suppose.
Is it wrong to have sex if you're unmarried?
Not categorically, I don't think. But casually -- yes, I think that is. Or a waste, at least.
Is it wrong to have sex with someone other than your spouse if you're married?
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of the same gender?
I... don't think so. I don't know for certain; there are plenty of people who'd say it is, of course. But I don't quite see how love of any sort could be wrong. Not if it doesn't harm anyone.

It's not for me to judge. Let's say that.
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of a different race (or a different intelligent non-human species)?
A different race? No. Of course not, though I know there are plenty of people who'd say so. Miscegenation, and all. But skin's only the surface, anyway.

A different species? I... well, for some, not at all, if the species are close. Dryads and Men, or Dwarves and Men, that sort of thing. Beyond that... I wouldn't say I think it's wrong, no, but for most cases I don't see why on earth any of them would want to. But it's not for me to judge.
Is it wrong to have more than one sexual partner at the same time?
Yes. I would say so.
Is it wrong to have sex with someone you don't love?
Yes. It's... it would hurt yourself, I should think, to share that with just anyone, and there has to be something wrong in that.

What are the responsibilities of a mother toward a child?
To raise him. To nurture him. To teach him right and wrong, and little things of everyday life, and to love him. Always that.
What are the responsibilities of a father toward a child?
To support the family. And then much the same as the mother, really, but a father can't often be about so much. So less of the everyday sort of things. And love, of course.

And discipline. Both of them, really, but especially the father.

But mostly to love him and care for him and do the very best they can to be good parents.
What are the responsibilities of a child toward a parent?
Love and respect, unless the parent is a very bad one who's not worthy of it. And even then I think very few people wouldn't have at least a bit of love left. And to care for the parents when they're old.

Not obedience. But respect.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your child?
Lord, what an awful choice. Your child, though.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your spouse?
Awful too. But I should think it would have to be your spouse. It's in the wedding vows, after all.
Which should be more important to you, your child or your spouse?
And this one's the worst yet. I should hope I'd never have to make such a choice. But if... damn it, I suppose it would have to be child, but what a dreadful notion.
Is it wrong to have a child if you're unmarried?
It's not fair. To the child, most of all. That's close enough in a situation like this, I think, at least if you've any decent way to avoid it.
Is abortion wrong?

There are some situations where a woman's absolutely stuck, I know. But even so. It's still wrong.
Is contraception wrong?
No. I don't see why it would be -- far preferable to having children one can't support properly.

Is there one true religion?
There's one true God. He doesn't much care what name one calls him, or where one prays.
Does a deity or deities exist?
Of course.
How important is it to believe in a deity or deities?
...He's real. He's there. I can understand not realising that, not experiencing it, but -- one has to have faith in something, doesn't one?
How important is it to actively practice your religion?
It depends on what you consider active practice, I suppose. One needn't go to church every week and say the creed and take Communion regularly and all. But one oughtn't to just forget about the whole thing. It shouldn't be just a name. God -- whatever name one uses -- deserves better attention than that.
Does magic exist?
Oh yes.

Not in every world, perhaps. But in some, oh yes.
Is practicing magic wrong?
It depends on what sort of magic, and what one does with it.

Is killing always wrong?
Is war always wrong?
How old is old enough to fight in a war?
I was ten. And I don't know that I was old enough, really, but it needed to be done, and so I was. We all were.

Old enough to have a good idea what you're fighting for, I suppose.
Is rape always wrong?
Yes. Lord, yes.
Is torture always wrong?
...Yes. I think so.

I don't think one can torture another living being and not be twisted by it.
Is theft always wrong?
That's a hard one. Yes, I suppose, but not always a very great wrong. Sometimes the reason balances it out.
Is slavery wrong?
Yes. Absolutely.
Is lying wrong?
...Yes. But it's like theft; sometimes one has a good reason to do it anyway.
Is swearing wrong?
Breaking a sworn word is. But I suppose you mean cursing, in which case no, though some of it's perfectly dreadful. But it's more the thought and the anger behind the words that's wrong, there.
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