Blue Lady
1 1/2 measures blue curaçao
1/2 measure white crème de cacao
1/2 measure double (heavy) cream
Shake thoroughly with ice, and strain into a cocktail glass. Do not garnish.
Lemon Lady
1 measure cognac
1/2 measure Cointreau
3 measures light, partially melted lemon sorbet
Shake well with ice to combine the sorbet, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of lemon.
Pink Lady
caster sugar, for frosting
1 1/2 measures Plymouth gin
1/2 measure grenadine, plus extra for frosting
1/2 measure double (heavy) cream
1/4 measure lemon juice
1 measure egg white
Dip the rim of a champagne saucer or bowl-shaped cocktail glass into grenadine and then into caster sugar to creat a bright pink, frosted rim. Shake the cocktail ingredients with ice and strain into the prepared glass. Garnish with a cherry.
Scarlet Lady
4oz cubed melon
5 small red seedless grapes
3 measures unsweetened red grape juice
Put the melon and grapes in a blender and process until they form a smooth purée. Add the red grape juice and continue to process for another minute. Strain the juice into a bar glass of ice and stir until chilled. Pour into a chilled cocktail glass. Dip some red, seedless grapes in the lightly beaten white of an egg, and then into 1 tbsp sugar. Thread on a cocktail stick to garnish. Non-alcoholic.
White Lady
1 measure gin
1 measure Cointreau
1 measure lemon juice
Shake the ingredients with ice and strain into a frosted cocktail glass. Some recipes also add 1 tsp egg white. The Savoy Cocktail Book makes no mention of it. It simply gives the drink a frothier texture, if that's what you like. Garnish with a lime twist.
My Fair Lady
1 measure gin
1/2 measure orange juice
1/2 measure lemon juice
1/4 measure crème de fraise
1 egg white
Shake all the ingredients thoroughly with ice, and strain into a cocktail glass.
Note: Recipes taken from The Ultimate Book of Cocktails by Stuart Walton.