As I'm currently trapped in Baltimore until tomorrow morning courtesy of American canceling ("weather-related issues," which is to say that they refuse to compensate me in any way for fucking me over) my flight (the last plane out of town, which I had not originally booked myself on, but was rescheduled to at some point without so much as a "would you like to go earlier or later?"), I have little better to do than summarize the convetion.
Thusly, I present to you Otakon by the Numbers.
Naruto headband-wearing lazyasses: innumerable, lost count after I realized that all of them looking exactly the same would lead to unacceptably large sample pool duplication.
Totally awesome Risky cosplayers: 1, I'm told (the little girl who went as Sumomo last year). Unfortunately, it was raining this morning and it took forever to escape the hotel due to elevator overload, and we missed her.
People randomly encountered: 1
Sign-bearing attention whores*: 204.
Sign-bearing attention whores that I verbally abused for their patheticness: approximately 40.
Absurdly naked catgirls that I saw: a surprising none.
Horrible things purchased for friends: 1. Details to be released at a later date.
Cost of a 20oz soft drink at the convention center: $3.
Cost of a 20oz bottle of water from the convinience store in the hotel: $2.69 (what. It's water.)
Awesome music videos: 1. Maybe 2 or 3. The AMV contest continues to degrade in quality.
Hilarious fanparodies: 3, 5 if you count each Lord of the Yen trailer separately (other two were Nescaflowne and Evangelion Redeath Redux).
Times I have to hear "It's Gendo!" jokes before they stop being funny: 22 and counting.
High-school kids totally owned in GGXX: 4.
Times my flight out of this god-forsaken shithole has been canceled in the past 4 years: 3.
*Defined as anyone with a "hug me" sign or similar derivative. Exceptions made for signs that were in-character for their cosplay, and some items were counted double for their sheer obnoxiousness. Estimated margin of error: 5%.