ああ、やっぱり日本語が分かるね XD I wasn't sure and I didn't want you to be like, "I don't understand T^T" XD Oh accounting...I can't count, so you have my admiration *__*
Haha... OR... I could be one of those people who pretend to know Japanese and copy pasted that from google translate!!! (kidding! )
But really, I finished 2 sems at the university and I'm taking classes at a Japanese language school, but they're not as effective as my professors XD
Accounting is not that complicated! It looks harder than it is (it's mostly common sense and the hardest math you have to do is multiplication.) XD The computer does most of the other work.
I figure this will be a good place to introduce myself... more completely xD.
I'm Anna in California and I'm an incoming junior in college~ My major is accounting! :D yay for being LJ friends!!
I wasn't sure and I didn't want you to be like, "I don't understand T^T" XD
Oh accounting...I can't count, so you have my admiration *__*
But really, I finished 2 sems at the university and I'm taking classes at a Japanese language school, but they're not as effective as my professors XD
Accounting is not that complicated! It looks harder than it is (it's mostly common sense and the hardest math you have to do is multiplication.) XD The computer does most of the other work.
Ooo, that's good!!
Well, I still admire you, because that doesn't sound like a job for meXD
私は古いですね XD
+日本語が得意ですね! あ何時間ぐらい日本語を勉強しましたか.
And uh 古くないよ!
ずーっと嵐の曲を聴いていますから ^^
+Have you ever considered teaching (or have you already taught) ESL?
I have thought about it, but I'm not really teacher material ^-^;;
二年間だけ? It seems longer!
oic! i used to do it and thought it was a lot of fun and I thought that maybe you'd enjoy it too! XD
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