Who: Aerith, Lapis WEAPON, Zack
Status: Closed
When: About 11:00AM
Where: Aerith's church and Midgar itself
What: After their revival, Aerith and Zack decide to get help where they can, and a certain WEAPON is paying them another visit.
After a while of sitting and attempting to rid herself of the cold, Aerith could say that she felt better. Not about the whole situation--the longer she and Zack stayed in the church, the more anxious she got about going out into the rest of the world--but her body felt better. It felt more like her own. Her joints moved easier, and she didn't feel so clumsy.
Eventually, she was able to pull herself up enough to actually sit on one of the fallen pews. She had fallen a few times, but her legs were stronger. And after several attempts, she was able to stand on them. She had to hold her arms out like a toddler to steady herself, but she was standing, and that was close to walking. Baby steps. That's what everything started with.
Aerith stopped, straightening out her winkled dress and attempting to smooth out her hair. She and Zack were probably going to leave soon, and she intended to head to where she knew Cloud and Tifa would be. As silly as it sounded, she didn't want to look like she had just returned from the dead.
There was nothing to be immediately afraid of. Zack's presence was more reassuring than Aerith could ever truly put into words. She wasn't afraid of physical injury or winding up back in the lifestream. She was afraid of how her friends would react to her resurrection.