Who: Lucrecia & Vincent Valentine
Status: Closed.
When: 6:00pm
Where: Sector 4, near the edge of town where WEAPON was snatched
What: Angst! Okay, maybe… Lucrecia is busy completing orders for her family and Vincent comes across her. Then que angst.
The night was not as cool as it had been the day before, but there was still enough cold to cause her fur to stick up. That was not all due to the cold though, and she found herself growing gradually more malcontent with having to up and leave Nanaki behind to receive some orders. She normally did not mind, but it was more and more infringing on the little time that they were able to spend with each other. She was really starting to like him, despite the probing questions about her origins and family.
Sniffing along the ground, Lucrecia picked up the scent that she had been ordered to get rid of. That was not as easy as it sounded, and she was almost offended by the suggestion that she had to rub common garbage over certain areas. She thought that she might have been more useful if she had opposable thumbs as she could have sprayed the area down with the rest of the team. No, she had been told to wait and make certain it was covered.
She was hard pressed to follow the scent though. She was a wonderful tracker - something Hojo had once praised her for - so she wanted to make things difficult. However, she knew where she was supposed to be going and headed along the line of scent. It was muddled and confusing, meaning that the job was fairly well done.
Perhaps her evening could be freed up, but she doubted it with all the hurrying underground. She had only been placated to stay away by being graced with her ribbon again, something that had been taken away when she was sent across the world looking for the dragon. Now, she had it back, interwoven around her neck and grasping the longer portions of mane in the thick yellow material. Hojo had given it to her, saying it meant the most to him.
She stopped and seated herself at the edge of the alleyway, sniffing at the ground. Her collar made an annoying beeping noise as an indication that her mission was complete for the moment. She was to wait and see if any more areas needed her nose.