Who: Charity, Vincent, Forgiveness
Status: Open (to whoever is in Costa del Sol)
When: 8:10 PM
Where: Costa del Sol
What: Charity throws herself a going away party at the Costa del Sol docks before her eventual journey over towards Junon.
The party was already into full swing as the beat of the music boomed throughout the docks )
Forgiveness was always an impressive sight to behold, and the way the older virtue held herself was something Charity knew she’d never have in her. She wasn’t known for her physical strength, but more her charm, intelligence and manipulation.
“Oh hey~ he’s useful to me Forgy.” Charity whined as Saiyo was knocked off balance and tossed into the cold waters. Sighing, she gestured over towards the few dancing around her to get the poor guy from out of the waters, before turning her attention back onto Forgiveness.
Her pout disappeared a moment later and was replaced with a large smile as she instantly latched her arms around Forgiveness’s waist and almost snuggled into the older virtue. There was a large height difference between them, and much like how Vincent almost seemed to dwarf her small size, Forgiveness did the same. “Not even a hello for little old me? Now I’m heartbroken.” Charity muttered with a small pout on her lips.
There was more important things to worry about than strangers.
"He was callin' me trash and glarin'," she said as if that entire conversation had been geared around her. It hadn't been and she knew that solidly, but she had always wanted to squeeze someone's fat head like a pus-filled pimple on the rectum of the planet. "He's lucky that's all he got from me."
Gently, she bopped Charity on the head and huffed. "Heartbroken enough to latch, I see." She seemed to twist in Charity's arms around her waist and just started walking towards the loading boat. Charity could stay attached all the other virtue wanted. "You gotta quit pestering old men too. You'll catch somethin' from them, especially that one. We get you tested in Junon... make sure you're clean."
Charity found herself broken out of her thoughts at the bop to her head, and one arm instantly reached up to rub the abused area. “Yeah… well! It’s a natural reaction what can I say?!” She muttered with a pout, but the expression was ruined by the subtle smile threatening to curve on her lips.
Being pulled along as Forgiveness turned and headed off towards the ship, Charity’s attention was focused more down to the length of her body as she observed it as if she could see if anything was there. There was nothing, and regaining her control from the drag, the younger virtue clung onto Forgiveness’s arm as she glanced up at the other. “Nah~ He’s nothing to worry about. Besides he was too frigid for anything like that to happen.” She said with an amused giggle.
With a bounce in her step, Charity reached up to flick playfully on Forgiveness’s nose as she muttered. “Thanks for the concern though. What would I ever do without you Forgy?”
She was certain that Humility was thinking that as well. Eventually, the media would stumble upon the ex-General that had killed Kindness.
"It's his awareness I'm more worried about what he'll do once he figgers he was drugged," she said, glancing down at Charity. "They can't know, Charity. Be sure you remember that. Don't need Humility blastin' you again."
Snorting, Forgiveness elbowed a sailor out of the way, ignoring the man's minor protest as if it was none of her concern. "Don't know, but you know I'll bail you out when you need it. Just be careful," she offered as she walked onto the boat.
Humility had already blasted her yesterday, and she honestly didn’t need another one so soon after the first.
Smiling apologetically towards the sailor, Charity followed Forgiveness onto the vessel as her mood deflated. “I will. Just…” Charity paused in her sentence, and then shook her head. “Nah don’t worry about it.” Smile returning to her expression, the younger virtue released her grip on Forgiveness’s arm before bounding ahead of her companion and up the ramp.
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