Unwinding at Home (PG; Severus/Millicent; 100 words)

Apr 17, 2012 09:15

lunafish prompted me with Severus/Millicent: autumn, garden, breathing.

Unwinding at Home (PG; Severus/Millicent; 100 words)

Millicent was often tightly wound during her department's autumn review period, but greeting her in the garden for some vigorous shagging under a warming charm always soothed her. Breathing heavily, Severus grinned smugly into the darkness as he felt Millicent's heartbeat pound rapidly against his chest.

"Difficult day?"

"Useless, the lot of them," she replied. "I'd much rather have been home."

Severus stiffened and held Millicent more firmly to him. Home.

It might as well have been her home; he and Millicent rarely spent nights apart, and relaxing, Severus realised he was glad she thought of Spinner's End as theirs.

millicent bulstrode, severus snape, severus/millicent, drabbles/ficlets

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