A Soothing Infusion (PG; Pomona/Xiomara; 100 words)

Apr 06, 2012 07:54

snapesgirl62 prompted me with Hooch/Sprout: herbal, Quiddich, shower.

A Soothing Infusion (PG; Pomona/Xiomara; 100 words)

The Quidditch match was a particularly taxing one. Oh, she's furious with the little buggers, thought Pomona, leaving the stands early to prepare one of her special tisanes. Catnip, I think.

By the time the herbal infusion was ready, the locker room was empty, and Xiomara was just stepping into the shower.

"Wait, dear," Pomona called. "I've brought you something soothing." She handed Xiomara the cup.

"You really think this will soothe me?" Xiomara asked, taking it and downing it in one gulp.

Pomona dropped her robes. "Not as well as I will."

Xiomara grinned and pulled her into the water.

pomona/xiomara, pomona sprout, madam hooch, drabbles/ficlets

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